Search found 14 matches

by Morry
26-09-2004 13:22
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Homeless
Replies: 10
Views: 10987

didn't quit ;o
by Morry
25-09-2004 18:54
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Homeless
Replies: 10
Views: 10987

by Morry
08-09-2004 17:30
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: LøC Merchandising
Replies: 20
Views: 9021

Om3ga's shirt gives the impression he has boobs =\

I thought too, but didn't want to say :<
by Morry
06-09-2004 21:32
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball Smackdown: Predictions
Replies: 46
Views: 27047

Mate, you take this game far too seriously :)

p.s you suck at db
by Morry
06-09-2004 21:00
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball Smackdown: Predictions
Replies: 46
Views: 27047

err you forgot the other 2 results where loc beat af :p

We'll just see how the tournament goes, dumb thread ^^.

And you do realise that these friendly wars aren't serious, don't you? :D
by Morry
02-09-2004 21:16
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: LøC .
Replies: 70
Views: 30752

Strafes a good guy when your in the clan with him, you just gotta see past the spam (that's hard tho :<)
by Morry
01-09-2004 16:16
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: new halflife trailer
Replies: 17
Views: 7254

Nah Messy :p
He was called Mr Freeman in Half life and the game was made before The Matrix.
HL2 looks like it's going to be the best game of the year tbh :P.
by Morry
29-08-2004 01:59
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Add/Remove -> Uninstall Deathball
Replies: 62
Views: 29010

lol surge is hilarious xD
by Morry
29-08-2004 00:52
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Vertical banashots? =p
Replies: 76
Views: 61270

True ^^
by Morry
28-08-2004 18:59
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Vertical banashots? =p
Replies: 76
Views: 61270

It's a good idea, but you can already make some nice long passes if you charge them with the right power for lobbing.

I just don't think it's necessary atm, although it's something to reconsider in the future. Deathball needs more ideas like that though, maybe DavidM would consider it :p .
by Morry
28-07-2004 13:28
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: teh poll
Replies: 24
Views: 10918

Don't care, doesn't really bother me. Stopped doing it recently anyway :O
by Morry
05-07-2004 15:40
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Deathball Toonz Top 10
Replies: 40
Views: 19623

Only 1580 songs Rens? :eek:
by Morry
03-07-2004 22:27
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: HuHu->Search clan m8s<-HuHu
Replies: 8
Views: 9776

o_O :hmmmz:
by Morry
03-07-2004 22:22
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Deathball Toonz Top 10
Replies: 40
Views: 19623

Don't play music on DBL games Most of this is music what I listen to in general, but if I play a game it's usually Overseer or something like that :p: Overseer - especially Supermoves and Doomsday :cool: Prodigy Blink 182 - sometimes ¬¬ Green Day Eminen :rolleyes: - again, sometimes And some other s ...