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by smiauf
26-01-2016 07:34
Forum: Notpron
Topic: BGSOUND loop problem
Replies: 5
Views: 13167

Re: BGSOUND loop problem

Thank you very much. That did the trick for firefox. Do you know if there are any problems I might ran into for playing the game on firefox?
by smiauf
25-01-2016 22:17
Forum: Notpron
Topic: BGSOUND loop problem
Replies: 5
Views: 13167

BGSOUND loop problem

I haven’t played NotPron in a while. I’m trying to start from level 1 using IE 11 (and Win 10) however every time I change from one level to another the looped music from the previous keeps playing. It’s not unplayable but is a nuisance to have to listen to 4 loops of the same bgsound over and over a ...