Search found 37 matches

by Squeedle
10-02-2024 05:47
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Notpron in 2023
Replies: 2
Views: 10048

Re: Notpron in 2023

Nice to see some signs of life in the land of Notpron.
by Squeedle
31-10-2020 22:18
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Major changes to notpron and its ending
Replies: 46
Views: 151238

Re: Major changes to notpron and its ending

SEQUEL! Lol...

The heart seems to be the standard reply, so...

by Squeedle
12-02-2019 04:11
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Who's still around?
Replies: 37
Views: 62335

Re: Who's still around?

I poke in from time to time. Raising four kids is time consuming 8)
by Squeedle
20-10-2018 05:51
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Nu (Real)
Replies: 828
Views: 4908126

Re: Level Nu (Real)

About 2 years now since my solve...nice to see more and more people discovering the joy of Notpron. I first played this game in the early 2000s when the final level was 22 and the picture for 23 was the end...back when Level 1 was a picture of a door from INSIDE a house :-). It took me more than a ...
by Squeedle
06-06-2018 19:22
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Nu (Real)
Replies: 828
Views: 4908126

Re: Level Nu (Real)

I think people get too caught up in replicating the picture as opposed to representing the essence. It's pretty easy to draw one triangle on top of one rectangle on a piece of paper and then to get irritated later when the picture is revealed to be a snake..."Hey! Why didn't this count? I basically ...
by Squeedle
10-01-2018 00:10
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Nu (Real)
Replies: 828
Views: 4908126

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Just remember, it's not like a photograph appears in your mind. You're not really trying to create a picture as much as your own artwork...sensations of color, heat, lines, motion, danger...that's what I experienced, and then I just interpreted them. If I told people to draw "flowing cold" I might ...
by Squeedle
16-09-2017 05:19
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 16
Replies: 119
Views: 679850

Re: Level 16

I feel like this is the level that really makes or breaks notpron players...survive this first big test and you're probably in it for the long haul :D
by Squeedle
12-07-2017 21:02
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 17
Replies: 50
Views: 185896

Re: Level 17

People in notpron threads like puns. Stuck? Don't worry. You'll soon see the light.
by Squeedle
12-07-2017 20:57
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 12
Replies: 84
Views: 496146

Re: Level 12

For people who just can't see this one...don't forget about the possibility of downloading the picture and playing with it as opposed to just staring at it on the webpage. Perhaps something might be gained by adjusting colors, positions...that's not so much a hint as it is a suggestion for all of ...
by Squeedle
07-07-2017 01:43
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 10
Replies: 150
Views: 436360

Re: Level 10

Read the thread. Lots of people are hinting at finding something and then using a program. Are you headed in that direction? PM me or another willing helper if you get really stuck!
by Squeedle
10-06-2017 19:12
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Nu (Real)
Replies: 828
Views: 4908126

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Congrats to the wave of recent solvers! I've not been around notpron for a few months, as life got really busy...nice to see that David's riddle is still active and people are still pushing through! Makes me want to go back and try the new Nu image :-P.
by Squeedle
22-02-2017 00:25
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Nu (Real)
Replies: 828
Views: 4908126

Re: Level Nu (Real)

First solve on the new target! Hurrah! 39!
by Squeedle
01-02-2017 03:16
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Nu (Real)
Replies: 828
Views: 4908126

Re: Level Nu (Real)

I still say it looks like I drew giant watermelon slices... :-D
by Squeedle
01-02-2017 03:13
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 20
Replies: 100
Views: 334269

Re: Level 20

Notice what I said above...there's a lot of stuff that you don't need to worry about. Combine that with the hints on the first post in this thread concerning what symbols and logos you see and something should click if you think hard enough...also, don't forget about the IRC channel, which is ...
by Squeedle
25-01-2017 05:01
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Nu (Real)
Replies: 828
Views: 4908126

Re: Level Nu (Real)

#38? Nice! Woohoo!