Search found 3 matches

by PVOliveira
23-10-2018 21:42
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Ainda tem Brasileiro aqui?
Replies: 81
Views: 194809

Re: Ainda tem Brasileiro aqui?

Ainda jogo, atualmente preso no nivel kappa. precisarem de ajuda em algum nível anterior, fiquem a vontade para enviar uma msg privada.
by PVOliveira
23-10-2018 10:13
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Kappa
Replies: 416
Views: 819093

Re: Level Kappa

OMG so many time in this...
Can I pm someone about my only idea just to know if i'm on the right way?
by PVOliveira
17-08-2018 04:04
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Thêta
Replies: 152
Views: 525935

Re: Level Thêta

I have some ideas on this level, but none of them worked. Can I PM someone about them to know if I'm on the right track? Edit: Thanks amh, for tell me that i was on the right way... (i realized that i don't know how to use the google) the second step was a little bit easy because i've done this some ...