Search found 5 matches

by ruumis
03-05-2005 15:02
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Models
Replies: 33
Views: 28016

let the rampant afro abuse commence!
by ruumis
10-12-2004 22:21
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My Thoughts About Deathball and Players
Replies: 51
Views: 36153

Thex, I'll do you one better, in case you haven't seen it yet... here's my TV sportscast from earlier this year.

Now you can say you saw ruumis on TV :D
by ruumis
29-11-2004 18:10
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Rush Blue It Croaker
Replies: 95
Views: 193179

by ruumis
16-09-2004 16:29
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball n00b guide video
Replies: 30
Views: 14987

DavidM, I would be happy to add some narration to this video. Let me know. If you need a sample of my work, check out these vids:
by ruumis
16-09-2004 16:16
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: problems with shake and volley in 2.2?
Replies: 4
Views: 3659

problems with shake and volley in 2.2?

Since I installed 2.2 (or maybe it was that latest UT2004 patch?), I have had two distinct problems that have adversely affected my gameplay. #1 - the "shake" (hitting a ballcarrier just before he is about to shoot/pass, making a buzzing noise and causing his shot to go wide/high) no longer seems to ...