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by `Ghost`
22-12-2006 14:00
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Drama
Replies: 69
Views: 99811

LOL See DavidM's typical subject change, see DavidM's typical 'avoidance' moving to off topic. Delete the thread David, at least to me you've proved exactly who you are.
by `Ghost`
21-12-2006 20:43
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Drama
Replies: 69
Views: 99811

No I dont care about the community, I know how much Shady loved playing DB. Its his case I'm fighting not the community's - I cared up until the point I said I quit caring in this thread, thats why you'll find this is my only post since then :) As far as I know Shady is thinking of quitting too. So ...
by `Ghost`
21-12-2006 19:58
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Guess the game!
Replies: 691
Views: 552937

When they were the latest thing out, they werent bad at all.
by `Ghost`
21-12-2006 19:57
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What are you listening to now?
Replies: 1173
Views: 1163282

James Blunt - Cry

Cry more David, cry more
by `Ghost`
21-12-2006 19:55
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Drama
Replies: 69
Views: 99811

Purposely ruining a game is against the rules last time I heard. So basically you know exactly what I meant.

edit: Is Priior opped? I'm sure he would of been a better choice x100 than Adversary, rather than the people you're friendly with David. Or dare I say it, those who dont hate you
by `Ghost`
21-12-2006 15:11
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Drama
Replies: 69
Views: 99811

Knew it wouldnt be long... Seems the new ops need to go over the 'rules' themselves before being trusted with ops. They also need to understand that being an op -doesnt- make them an exception, but rather there is more pressure on them to obide by the rules themselves. Or is this not the case ...
by `Ghost`
21-12-2006 03:32
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Guess the game!
Replies: 691
Views: 552937

Thats...shocking lol
by `Ghost`
20-12-2006 20:32
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Race ?
Replies: 9
Views: 16416

Finished him, released him, won skin of the moment yaaaay

Available for Download now
by `Ghost`
20-12-2006 20:31
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What are you listening to now?
Replies: 1173
Views: 1163282

You were listening to all those at that ONE time? Doubt it

Aerosmith - Ragdoll
by `Ghost`
20-12-2006 11:51
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Guess the game!
Replies: 691
Views: 552937

Probably before your time Shady LOL Nah probably too young around then o;
by `Ghost`
20-12-2006 11:13
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Guess the game!
Replies: 691
Views: 552937


Loved these type of games by the same company <3 Still have them :) Should be ashamed of yourself The_One ! :p
by `Ghost`
20-12-2006 11:00
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Guess the game!
Replies: 691
Views: 552937

Streets of Rage II
by `Ghost`
19-12-2006 23:29
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: What are you listening to now?
Replies: 1173
Views: 1163282

Within Temptation - Angels

Damn <3
by `Ghost`
19-12-2006 23:25
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Guess the game!
Replies: 691
Views: 552937

Looks like Clay Fighter :lol:
by `Ghost`
19-12-2006 16:40
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Ut2007
Replies: 10
Views: 15581

I cant even run UT2004 at the moment. No idea why, when I first got this computer not even a year ago, it ran it sooooo smoothly. But I'd like to get UT2007, because I do play whats actually in the game, not just the mods. In fact im less of a mod person. Just... need... the... computer... Which ...