Search found 7 matches
- 13-06-2003 23:56
- Forum: Death Ball League
- Topic: We should have euro and NA league mix
- Replies: 15
- Views: 16602
We should have euro and NA league mix
Playing across the pond is fun.
- 12-06-2003 05:58
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: FLASHBACK... FlAsHbAcK... flashback..
- Replies: 48
- Views: 32042
Sin is the only guy I know that can stuff 5 kthx's into an otherwise 4 word sentence. AND HURRY WITH 1.7 SO THE DAMN EURO FAD OF DEATHBALL-KILLING BOOST GOALS WILL STOP (People have stereotyped NA enough here, now it is my turn to state simple fact, for boost goals were never used in NA until cY ...
- 08-06-2003 23:14
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: cY.13 lame boost goals?
- Replies: 34
- Views: 21158
- 07-06-2003 03:53
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: How to kill Pbox Camping in 1.7
- Replies: 169
- Views: 87220
- 12-05-2003 21:00
- Forum: Death Ball Clans
- Topic: Noobs, what do we do??
- Replies: 6
- Views: 5003
Most ppl on the NA servers I see treat the new ppl like shit. My personal advice would be to join a fairly full server, spectate how people play (and demo if possible), and study them. THEN go in yourself. The reaction to a new person may not be the best, but it will be about 1000% better if they go ...
- 12-05-2003 00:21
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: my take on the newb situation..
- Replies: 20
- Views: 12737
- 09-05-2003 23:17
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: n00bs spoiling the game?? ... or big named claned members?
- Replies: 79
- Views: 61493