Search found 12 matches

by Ze_Raik
09-08-2003 05:52
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: DB going right way
Replies: 22
Views: 11219

Well, im one of the NA players who play pub's and occasionally pubs. But i must say, there aren't as many new players coming around. Could it be because most public games nowadays are volley only? No, no, couldn't be. Could it be because when a person who is obviously completley new and come's into ...
by Ze_Raik
20-07-2003 22:44
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Academy?
Replies: 126
Views: 67135

Dont know if i qualify for hardcore n00bdum, but whatever, if there's a US DBA i ll go for it.

Name: Ze_Raik (Alex S.)
Location: Southern california
Connection: Cable
Age: 16 (seriously)
Position: Mid-field
Skills: Good, but i have my bad days like everyone else.
by Ze_Raik
18-07-2003 05:48
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Small Cube Sky Texture
Replies: 20
Views: 10612

<spam> Mad props to twigster for small enclosure and Clearnight (which rocks -very- hard) </spam>

As for the Sky lag issue, I think i was playing with you...Either way i get it alot in small cube. For some reason, i keep laggin out on V3's server too, don't know why, I just do...
by Ze_Raik
07-07-2003 06:36
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Thots of teh n00blar (long)
Replies: 63
Views: 36623

/\ | | Word Being an advocate of newbie treatment myself, i pretty much agree with everything. Except the volley buisness. While i believe that volley's are over used to a horrible extent, thanks to 1.7 its easier to make a shot than to volley, it'll just take some time for the bulk of players to ...
by Ze_Raik
06-07-2003 06:09
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: US DeathBall getting too private?
Replies: 45
Views: 29077

Personally, im loving the whole of actually shooting to get a goal because for me (and a lot of other newer players) making those killer shot volleys from like two feet from the goal is hella difficult. It is kinda bothersome though, to see the only NA server with people on it a smallcube, vo game ...
by Ze_Raik
04-07-2003 23:43
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: League Match Statistics
Replies: 13
Views: 11971

On the subject of stat's, is at all accurate? or is it useless?
by Ze_Raik
04-07-2003 23:38
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Newbie server
Replies: 17
Views: 9660

I like the idea, personally. Although A little guidance from perhaps a spectating good player would help. But good luck with that. Kinda like a DBA pre-school. Of course this would only happen in Europe, NA dosen't have a DBA...:(
by Ze_Raik
04-07-2003 09:45
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Ello
Replies: 22
Views: 13930

Such a charming variety of people... a l33t sheep, a Vacuum powered sex toy, a fruitcake...
by Ze_Raik
03-07-2003 07:18
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 1.7 love it or hate it
Replies: 19
Views: 10780

I love 1.7 really, but then again, i can only compare it to 1.6 My only qualm is Tribun which i think we all agree is far to large. But i do love the new small cube. All in all, good deal, just takes a little getting used to.
by Ze_Raik
02-07-2003 08:17
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Teamworks killing DB
Replies: 45
Views: 23846

I probably don't have a say in this matter seeing as how i can in at 1.6, but if you will hear me out. Yes surge you're right, a single less adept team member can bring down a team, after all a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link. But the way i see it, thats to be expected of new players ...
by Ze_Raik
01-07-2003 22:55
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Ello
Replies: 22
Views: 13930

Aw, thanks. It's nice to know that there are friendly faces in the community.
by Ze_Raik
01-07-2003 06:36
Forum: Death Ball Clans
Topic: Ello
Replies: 22
Views: 13930


Yeah, seeing as how this forum lacks a newbie forum, i though it best that i post my entrance here. The name's Ze_raik, I play mid-field/defence, live in the U.S. and am an atrocious keeper. About 3/4 of the time im good at DB, the other quarter..well.. Any way, i was just announcing myself Not ...