Search found 2 matches

by kimpossible
02-03-2005 04:40
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Think Laterally
Replies: 146
Views: 199594

She was crying to her sister about what a jerk guys are and how she was really in love with this guy and. . . So her sister says "he split because you look fat" So she killed her. Really, her sister was just trying to get her to return the new outfit she bought because her sister wanted it. Little ...
by kimpossible
01-03-2005 09:53
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Christine and Pron
Replies: 141
Views: 186289

timusic7 wrote: lol u dont think of how not so great level 80 may have been for those you female players

I'm sure it's not like we haven't seen a bad boob-job before. :rolleyes: