Search found 61 matches

by Keri
06-05-2005 08:06
Forum: Notpron
Topic: A Music thread
Replies: 152
Views: 208645

My favourite music... hmm.. lately I've been stuck in the 80's. I've been listening to Mötley Crüe, Guns'N'Roses and Hanoi Rocks. (Hanoi Rocks is playing on my cd-player as I type) I'm a rock-chick really.. I listen to Finnish rock mostly these days. Bands called Negative, Bloodpit, Private Line, ...
by Keri
02-05-2005 20:58
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

<--- the first stranger

by Keri
27-04-2005 20:36
Forum: Notpron
Topic: We never had a "show your ugly mug" thread, eh?
Replies: 511
Views: 610743

It's almost impossible to find a good picture of me but here's one. (COPY PASTE!!!)
by Keri
26-04-2005 09:18
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

oh..ok... I just thought that maby the foams have a difference..
by Keri
26-04-2005 08:58
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

supamom wrote: <----ELSA

the shaving foam never did!!!:D

Did you try the shaving foam for mens beards or womens legs?
by Keri
26-04-2005 08:55
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Mysterious keyboard!!!
Replies: 158
Views: 214889



Maybe it has something to do with the fact that we're all part of this riddle. Everyones keyborad who's trying to solve this probably does that for a reason that only DavidM knows.. He just doesn't wanna let us know. :rolleyes: :lol:
by Keri
21-04-2005 14:37
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

yummy food... I think I've never tasted anything this good.
by Keri
21-04-2005 14:05
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

noodles and sauce sounds perfect.
by Keri
21-04-2005 13:33
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

I'd like some chinese too.
by Keri
21-04-2005 10:48
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

@ Angelica: It doesn't effect on my vison at all. But before I didn't even know I could make myself invisible. Maybe the power crows stronger or something as time goes by.
by Keri
21-04-2005 10:31
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

Yes Tin Man it was me. :)

I guess i could go check the door, but I would like to eat first.
by Keri
21-04-2005 10:28
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215


I'm right here.

@ Annanagram: I think you were right. I can make myself invisible.
by Keri
21-04-2005 10:15
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

Is Tin Man and Elsa in love?
by Keri
21-04-2005 10:10
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

by Keri
21-04-2005 10:08
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 1
Replies: 73924
Views: 16777215

ok... I'm gonna try it now. be invisible... *wishingandthinkingtobeinvisble* I wonder if this works..
