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by LettuceClock
06-08-2005 18:16
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Making Of Book!
Replies: 86
Views: 119568

I dunno, it seems sorta expensive to me. The book costs 18.54 USD (rounded up by a few fractions of a penny). Now, Harry potter, a 600 page book is only 16. This book is much smaller, and isn't a real one. I guess I can see 18 bucks for a solid copy, but it seems like it should be cheaper then that ...
by LettuceClock
01-08-2005 12:44
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Silliest logical mistake you made
Replies: 112
Views: 167647

Biggest logical mistake? "Oh gee whiz, this puzzle game sure looks fun. I guess I'll play it for a few minutes"

2 month's later I'm whoring myself off on the street to buy that damn book so I can finally beat the level.