Search found 7 matches

by UnfUnf
31-10-2005 08:02
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Thêta
Replies: 152
Views: 525396

i hate this so much! ... :confused:
by UnfUnf
24-10-2005 14:27
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Êta
Replies: 105
Views: 264912

i have been thinking of this famous quote "cool riddle" .. i think it means "PITA" :lol:
by UnfUnf
22-10-2005 04:59
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Zeta
Replies: 79
Views: 194837

scheisse.. no clue at all :eek:
feel free to pm me a hint or two... pls
by UnfUnf
20-10-2005 23:00
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Epsilon
Replies: 65
Views: 138806

very nice indeed.. one pic, one google box and nothing else :lol:
did found something, but no idea what it means

[edit] solved \o/ [/edit]
by UnfUnf
20-10-2005 22:52
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Epsilon
Replies: 65
Views: 138806

:blabla: :(
by UnfUnf
02-10-2005 23:12
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 44
Replies: 85
Views: 156875

was doing something totally different first for maybe an hour or so, but then i got bored and did something else with it, a few minutes later i was done with the level :lol:
greek levels here i come \o/
by UnfUnf
29-09-2005 07:30
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 39
Replies: 102
Views: 169548

HEUREKA!! Sweat and tears, but i got it!! :D