Search found 5 matches

by Sp3ctre18
25-09-2005 20:23
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282835

Woah....over 10 new pages... o.o

I knew the polish one; I had heard that before. :P

Nicky, are you the ones posting most of the riddles and stuff? Where do you get them? 0.o or rather, any of you who are posting lots of these. Any one place or jsut picked up over time?
by Sp3ctre18
02-09-2005 21:26
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282835

fingers can be friend many ways. for one thing you can form them into little puppet dudes and make them your friends. 0.o that better not be true for most peple.

I have real life calculator. Ha!
by Sp3ctre18
02-09-2005 21:11
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282835

fingers are your friends...... :D
by Sp3ctre18
02-09-2005 20:58
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Creativity test
Replies: 3184
Views: 1282835

take "nineteen ninety eight."

Replace each letter with it place in the alphabet; ie, a = 1, e = 5, z = 26, etc.

You now have three sets of numbers. Add them all up. You get the number 222. Now we remember there were THREE sets of numbers. Multply 222 by 3, and you get 666.

Is that it?
by Sp3ctre18
02-09-2005 20:23
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Worst game ever
Replies: 23
Views: 42532

Problem is that Not Pr0n requires thinking. Obviously, XExtrinsicX is one of those who don't like to think. Go ahead and play counterstrike. Beware though, some games may require thinking and you brain will require usage. beware.