Kisa wrote:
100 ways to decelerate a car (no need to sit inside )
If gas prices keep going up the way they are noone is going to be able to afford to drive anymore and everybody's cars are going to decelerate when they run out of gas.
aic2276 wrote:
I don't care about the manholes. I just want to know what cruel person decided to put door knobs at nut hieght. That shit hurts when you're drunk or not paying attention.
Or maybe the deeper question is who decided to put your nuts at doorknob height?
Apart from the obvious! What can you use a paperclip for? [/B][/QUOTE]
Paperclips are better than stressballs. Whenever you're really frustrated you can take it out on them . You can bend them back to their original shape when you're done. They're really forgiving.
Nicky wrote:
What would happen if everybody in the word stamped their right foot at the exact same moment?
This is impossible. You'd have to have everyone on the entire planet awake at the same hour. Sorry folks but I and other lazy people like me are sleeping in