Search found 2 matches

by zava
04-02-2013 09:51
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Delta
Replies: 300
Views: 552988

Re: Level Delta

i dont know if anyone's here anymore, but after years of pause a friend reminded me of notpron and since i have a little time, i picked up where i left - and that's delta. so my question is: is there anyone who i can bother with helping me out a little bit, telling me if i'm heading in the right ...
by zava
02-10-2006 19:22
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level Beta
Replies: 259
Views: 455643

im also stuck on this one...

and with stuck i mean STUCK to say wasting... so much of my time i should learn for the latin test :D

but to stop this near to the end isnt possible