Search found 14 matches

by ily
01-01-2006 12:16
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Either people just can't be arsed or..
Replies: 48
Views: 26440

A little late, but here to clear things up. Santa had TWO outfits, one green and one blue. Duh. :P

I also hear he has a pink one which he won`t wear in public. Shhh..
by ily
01-01-2006 12:07
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Happy New Year :D
Replies: 16
Views: 13790

Happy new year to everyone! :D Hope you partied hard last night.
by ily
06-12-2005 22:11
Forum: Notpron
Topic: funny stuff, found while googling the net for notpron-answer
Replies: 60
Views: 121036

Blech, I got 99.9% in 15 bites. :confused: That site has some cute games. xD The hamster is really funny.
by ily
06-12-2005 15:26
Forum: Notpron
Topic: I protest!
Replies: 117
Views: 151965

My reply was intended at the other half. ;)

and lmfao@"bet your d... isn`t that big, you cheater"! xDD Best laugh I`ve had today.
by ily
05-12-2005 23:13
Forum: Notpron
Topic: I protest!
Replies: 117
Views: 151965

Um, hey, Eka, nice to meet you. ^_^ Yes I am desperate for male pron and I came to this site in search of it. I`m only completing these levels so I can see more hidden eggs and stuff. But.. do you actually mean you can see pron somewhere else on the web? :eek: Anyhow, this thread was meant to be ...
by ily
05-12-2005 01:11
Forum: Notpron
Topic: I protest!
Replies: 117
Views: 151965

:lol: How about three options? Notpron for females, notpron for males, and notpron lite for people who are averse to seeing nudity? That way everyone is happy!! Notpron lite, roflmao! \o/ Futile, I`m thinking of situations when you want to refer to someone, and not knowing whether to use 'he' or ...
by ily
05-12-2005 00:47
Forum: Notpron
Topic: I protest!
Replies: 117
Views: 151965

It`s the avatar. :P Mislead me too.

I wonder why this forum doesn`t have a gender option. :confused: It`d be much easier that way.
by ily
05-12-2005 00:32
Forum: Notpron
Topic: I protest!
Replies: 117
Views: 151965

frkyjenn wrote: Mens dangly bits are fun to play with.. but looking at them is just <blech>

-giggles- But-but-but there`s much more to male pron than dangly bits. (pun intended xD)
by ily
05-12-2005 00:28
Forum: Notpron
Topic: We never had a "show your ugly mug" thread, eh?
Replies: 511
Views: 610846

:p Snake is definitelly egg material. My ugly mug would be here: Taken like 4 years ago, amazing how little I`ve changed. :eek: If you`re interested there`s a whole lot more of my ugly mug in there. I`m sure you`ll have no trouble finding them. =p
by ily
04-12-2005 23:40
Forum: Notpron
Topic: I protest!
Replies: 117
Views: 151965

Well, there's DavidM...rofl Should I offer myself to be in an egg or two? =P Neah, DavidM`s not pron enough for me. :confused: I`ve only seen his naked face so far. And I definitely wouldn`t mind guys on this forum being featured in eggs! ;) (when you think of it, the word egg could actually have ...
by ily
04-12-2005 23:32
Forum: Notpron
Topic: What are notpr0ners like?
Replies: 269
Views: 326466

Just curious, since we're neighbours (I'm from Belgrade, Serbia), did you go to EXIT festival in Novi Sad? :) Hello there! ^^ Unfortunately I never got a chance to go, I believe it was during my university admission exams this year. =/ Maybe you can PM me and tell me more about it, I`d definitely ...
by ily
04-12-2005 23:15
Forum: Notpron
Topic: pillory for hoi lok wong/The_Hidden_Shadow/helpwanted
Replies: 15
Views: 20781

Aww, poor hoi. If you`re reading this, you can always PM me. :D I`ll give you some answers you`ll remember for the rest of your life. -nodnod-
by ily
04-12-2005 23:13
Forum: Notpron
Topic: I protest!
Replies: 117
Views: 151965

I protest!

Well, as I go further and further into the game, I keep finding pron, either in levels or in eggs. BUT only photos of women.. how is that fair?

As a female notproner I must PROTEST against this injustice and demand that at least some future levels contain male pron.


Anyone with me?
by ily
02-12-2005 08:09
Forum: Notpron
Topic: What are notpr0ners like?
Replies: 269
Views: 326466

Hello there. ^^ I thought this was the best place to introduce myself since I assume I`ll be hanging around these forums for a while. ;) My name is Ileana (but please call me ily); I`m 19 years old and studying IT&Computer Science at a university in Romania. How would you describe your personality ...