Search found 13 matches

by Scorplex
16-09-2006 15:59
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Which will be the last beta version?
Replies: 12
Views: 14537

I love passme


imagine youre away (like me) for a month and the latest deathball version is called "kickit"
pretty much confusing
by Scorplex
31-07-2006 17:13
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: clan matches
Replies: 22
Views: 26608

lies. He always wants to play with skilled players, but thats all :devil: He plays more mixes than u gg.. okay maybe not in the last 2 weeks^ cant remember a time where i played more clanmatches than mixgames never ever guess you both missed the point there: i didnt mean total amount of games ...
by Scorplex
27-07-2006 17:37
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: clan matches
Replies: 22
Views: 26608

btw guys its ofc not like clans kill the "community" but something interesting seems to be false in the arguments of clanplayers.... davidm for example doesnt play mixes at all but does play for example linup 3vs games with skilled players like strafe against weak opponents... such games are close ...
by Scorplex
12-06-2006 11:18
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 2.4d
Replies: 9
Views: 10634

well im not that sure about that in 3v3 its indeed very powerful in a 5v5 it would change the defense - being more room based than enemy based (omg can someone understand what i mean?) because when the enemey has the possibility to shoot at the range of outside the pbox instantly. well lets see some ...
by Scorplex
29-05-2006 19:20
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball needs a 2.4 version of..
Replies: 37
Views: 31165

insane amount of bugs? huh? o_O

nothing that you dont face in 2.3 imo
by Scorplex
29-05-2006 19:06
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My little gameplay story and why DB is on the right way now.
Replies: 62
Views: 59629

And for around 6 of those months: Number of 2.4 games played in the NA > Number of 2.4 games played in Euro land. i cannot believe that as a dbmixer idler seems like nas think that we have no pickups at all in eu or no 5v5s o_O and im curious how you explain that many 2.4 haters in eu turned to be ...
by Scorplex
29-05-2006 15:51
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball needs a 2.4 version of..
Replies: 37
Views: 31165

BrinGer wrote: you didnt understand what he meant scorplex, he ment pes is much better than fifa.. kinda simple considering how clever you like to think you are. :noob:

own goal
by Scorplex
28-05-2006 20:28
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My little gameplay story and why DB is on the right way now.
Replies: 62
Views: 59629

first: he already understood what i meant which you seem not to understand second oh cmon dont say now i dont know to score /o\ im way more creative than a lot players out there without being cocky as already explained: it should be more effective when someone is near the goal with the ball.... i ...
by Scorplex
28-05-2006 19:44
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My little gameplay story and why DB is on the right way now.
Replies: 62
Views: 59629

tbh....a good attacker just scores on a good keeper and gives him no chance. lets be honest, you are not exactly the uber-attacker, that might be the problem ;) guess you didnt get my point in a 5v5 for example when you get the ball near the pbox - facing only the keeper you have to charge it up ...
by Scorplex
28-05-2006 19:03
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: My little gameplay story and why DB is on the right way now.
Replies: 62
Views: 59629

i must agree to this most players who argue against 2.4 deny the fact that the defense is strengthened now and doesnt have to rely on pure luck deflects or a great keeper its usual that you will hate the deflects and the new problem that you could lose the ball against 1 enemy but lets be honest ...
by Scorplex
26-05-2006 19:30
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball needs a 2.4 version of..
Replies: 37
Views: 31165

I have a server and from what I've seen(I tried both) I prefer 2.3 because it's more fun and realistic to play in my pov and I'm sticking with 2.3 until I see something that changes my mind. PES = 2.3 and Fifa = 2.4 :lol: sorry to admit it...... but alone to compare deathball with football games ...
by Scorplex
25-05-2006 16:38
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball needs a 2.4 version of..
Replies: 37
Views: 31165

dunno why but i cant imagine even one of these map in 2.4
which means

i didnt vote
by Scorplex
01-05-2006 17:30
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 5v5, 6v6, 7v7....
Replies: 17
Views: 15478

who won?