Search found 4 matches

by crazy_k8
16-04-2007 06:52
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 42
Replies: 82
Views: 170259


I hate "easy" levels.
by crazy_k8
01-03-2007 05:13
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 34
Replies: 278
Views: 460310

I found something early on and have tried lots of things with it looking for clues or an answer, but I fear I might be wasting my time since something in its properties seems to imply that it's of no use... I've also scavenged all over the place for anything that might be a lost button, but found ...
by crazy_k8
14-07-2006 03:37
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 81
Replies: 471
Views: 643036

Argh, why is it that I always get stuck on the "easy" levels?!?!? Is there someone I can PM with what I've done so far to see if any of it's on the right track? eta: Eep! I solved it! \o/ Except I used a program I downloaded when I was working on an earlier level, I don't know how to view the same ...
by crazy_k8
13-07-2006 02:37
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 81
Replies: 471
Views: 643036

Does the web browser or other software I'm using (image viewer, audio player, text editor, etc.) matter for solving this level?