Search found 3 matches

by devinring
25-08-2007 22:58
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 6
Replies: 116
Views: 322073

<removed> HAHAH
by devinring
25-08-2007 04:06
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 81
Replies: 470
Views: 641588

Yeah, i'm stuck too. Also sent you a pm frkyjenn
by devinring
27-12-2006 20:13
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Poll Hardest level to pass
Replies: 246
Views: 421069

72 was tough. However, i had the cube put together wrong (it was pretty much flat) but i still got the right answer. After that, i tried to get my cube to look like the ones on the gallery, not so easy :)

Stuck on 76 right now idea...:hmmmz: