Search found 12 matches

by faorlich
26-01-2009 05:06
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 20
Replies: 50
Views: 116370

I solved it, but I wanna make sure what I did is not considered cheating. Could I PM someone with what I did?
by faorlich
22-01-2009 03:03
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 17
Replies: 44
Views: 115194

Seriously?! Damn! It sure is possible...
by faorlich
22-01-2009 00:17
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 17
Replies: 44
Views: 115194

It's actually really easy, if you find the right way to solve it. And it works every time, and you can do it in only 5 moves, also . The work involved takes the longest (maybe 20 minutes).
by faorlich
21-01-2009 21:09
Forum: Notpron
Topic: A Music thread
Replies: 152
Views: 208241

Since this is not a Level thread I thought it'd be harmless to post this here:
Looks like the only version of the song in youtube. Check it out.
by faorlich
17-01-2009 04:09
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 13
Replies: 36
Views: 188761

Well, not knowing what it was, I did check it out. Obviously, it didn't seeem to have anything to do with the riddle. But about thirty seconds of research did the trick.
by faorlich
17-01-2009 03:44
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 13
Replies: 36
Views: 188761

Kisa wrote: Hm, no :D
Brain.exe and google might help you here ;)

How was Brain.exe supposed to help?:eek:
by faorlich
02-01-2009 03:04
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 3
Replies: 19
Views: 86888

You wouldn't believe how stupidly easy and simple it is. I actually spent hours looking for the answer because of a tiny mistake, when I had it from the beginning.
by faorlich
01-01-2009 00:22
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 2
Replies: 10
Views: 50245

Really nice, indeed!
by faorlich
31-12-2008 20:21
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level MINUS 1
Replies: 26
Views: 94653

Actually, you can make the connection with one of the possitives, if you can remember what sort of tools, techniques, etc, you've used to solve them.
by faorlich
12-08-2008 04:29
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Poll: What's your favourite levels + reasons?
Replies: 169
Views: 335804

[QUOTE]Originally posted by DeusExMachina
Yeah, 65 was awesome. 66 was really cool too, although it was kind of easy.

I have to agree, though I found 66 a little harder. Maybe just more time-consuming. All the same, excellent Level!
by faorlich
11-08-2008 07:15
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Poll: What's your favourite levels + reasons?
Replies: 169
Views: 335804

So far 65 (I just solved it). I actually found it pretty easy (though not too much), maybe 'cause that's my favorite type of riddle: no previous knowledge of anything, no long hours researching or figuring out how to use programs; just logic (but I have to admit I've learned stuff I never thought I ...
by faorlich
01-08-2008 05:42
Forum: Notpron
Topic: Poll Hardest level to pass
Replies: 246
Views: 421066

Just curiosity: how do you rate difficulty:

A) Not knowing what to look for (deciphering the clues)
B) Time consumption once you know where to look
C) No clue at all
D) Guess work

And how long do you have to be stuck at a level to consider it hard?