Search found 2 matches

by dioX
23-03-2008 18:45
Forum: Death Ball Servers
Topic: DB 1.9b?
Replies: 3
Views: 14548

gibts keine 2k3 server mehr?
voll der mock... naja werd ich mir 2k4 anschaffn müssn^^
sin noch paar von den alten leuten wie titanium usw dabei?

btw ich bins J4cks0n^^
by dioX
19-03-2008 12:03
Forum: Death Ball Servers
Topic: DB 1.9b?
Replies: 3
Views: 14548

DB 1.9b?

Hey guys, i just installed ut2k3 + db 1.9b but there's no server online to play on :(
What did happen to all the ut2k3 db players?

maybe anyone has got another ip for me?

greetz dioX