Search found 4 matches

by hipy
24-05-2008 08:52
Forum: Death Ball Servers
Topic: colord names dont working
Replies: 2
Views: 12687

by hipy
20-05-2008 15:51
Forum: Death Ball Servers
Topic: colord names dont working
Replies: 2
Views: 12687

colord names dont working

hi why does deathball block colourd server names? o0

if i use my server with a colord server name it just stays white.

by hipy
09-05-2008 22:50
Forum: Death Ball Servers
Topic: bug
Replies: 2
Views: 12094

the problem is 2 that if i install it and in the core section of the ut2004.ini i point it all out to the deathball dir i dont get to see it at server , when i paste all maps and files to the main dir i do see it but have those strange bugs :S
by hipy
09-05-2008 21:59
Forum: Death Ball Servers
Topic: bug
Replies: 2
Views: 12094


i just installed db on my server ( used the fixed textures )

now i have a few bugs like:
if scored the score at the top flashes but it stays at zero
and if you press f1 you dont see players

can anyone help me with this

thanks in advance