Hi everybody Finally on Kappa...
Theta slowed us too much... really need of the fresh air of a different level ^^
I'm starting guessing...
Search found 6 matches
- 12-12-2008 00:41
- Forum: Levels
- Topic: Level Thêta
- Replies: 152
- Views: 525406
no, i mean: on that strange page there were many clues... hex code, 'something' used right a moment before to reach that page (this time with another "symbol")... but if i have to ignore that page, my tries are not useful (at least, not now). So i'm coming back to the first page and 'do something ...
- 12-12-2008 00:18
- Forum: Levels
- Topic: Level Thêta
- Replies: 152
- Views: 525406
- 11-12-2008 23:55
- Forum: Levels
- Topic: Level Thêta
- Replies: 152
- Views: 525406
hi people, i have a little doubt... i got the first message and i reached a page with a 'sky image'... but the title in the page is in conflict with the sign on the image... i'm asking: is that a real part of theta o just something else? (the source of that page makes me truly having doubts on it ...
- 05-12-2008 00:17
- Forum: Levels
- Topic: Level Delta
- Replies: 300
- Views: 552197
ok... probably i can say the first riddle after a long long series of them which really reached to make me suffer... (and i'm so modest.. :P) Here for the first time i also regret to not being a mother-language of english.. that damned title is probably hiding some meaning that i can't get... i'm ...
- 25-11-2008 23:08
- Forum: Levels
- Topic: Level Delta
- Replies: 300
- Views: 552197
Hi there, my riddling senpai and I are trying to follow a clue, appearing very tasteful and witty, but we're facing a really really huge problem. Our 'track' concernes a 'message' dated **/**/2007... and since level delta was opened in 2005, we think that could not be the right choice. Can anyone ...