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by yokozuna
27-12-2012 22:31
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 58
Replies: 38
Views: 101351

Re: Level 58

Maybe those comments like "I solved it" should be removed... I just don't see the point of that... I solved all the previous levels, and never posted a single "solved it"... I didn't say I intend to be the mod... Sorry... :)
by yokozuna
27-12-2012 21:53
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 58
Replies: 38
Views: 101351

Re: Level 58

Please do not post that you solved the level... Please post something meaningful that other people can use. Thank you!
I can not believe that nobody posted anything useful for this complicated level...
by yokozuna
20-12-2012 20:05
Forum: Levels
Topic: Level 27-29
Replies: 142
Views: 481377

Re: Level 27-29

Why is titts wrongly spelled? Maybe that's the clue? Remove this, please if it is a spoiler...
Edit: I was told that the misspelled word is not the clue it is just wrongly spelled... People, it's hard... You need to think about the "thing" those people want in general...