Updated the map using the comments i got from a few test games.
Mainly made it easier to see what team is attacking/defending currently.
Search found 171 matches
- 12-09-2009 04:55
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-OneGoal Beta 4
- Replies: 5
- Views: 17702
- 10-09-2009 23:20
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-OneGoal Beta 4
- Replies: 5
- Views: 17702
Re: DB-OneGoal
One player (the keeper) of attacking team spawning in penzone was neccessary as deathball seems to cache the keeperspawns and thus ignores the fact their team got reassigned. Size was intended for 3v3, as that was the usual teamsize funmaps were played (like slamdunk or that jumppad-space-map). So i ...
- 09-09-2009 23:50
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-OneGoal Beta 4
- Replies: 5
- Views: 17702
DB-OneGoal Beta 4
Map with only one goal. Red starts defending, blue attacking. Sides are swapped when the ball touches force field or a goal is scored. UPDATE: Beta4: - increased e-field to > 3x depth of beta3, slanted sides more to compensate - blue center spawn moved towards other blue spawns - blue keeper spawn ...
- 07-05-2009 01:07
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-ThrowIn
- Replies: 4
- Views: 19448
Sure it's a change. But for the usual gameplay it's a mild one, especially as there still is a small wall left of sufficient height to allow wallpasses. But it avoids the 1-man-shows of hitting the ball above all heads to a wall and you'll have to catch long passes to avoid the ball bouncing out of ...
- 06-05-2009 18:00
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-ThrowIn
- Replies: 4
- Views: 19448
A Map with Throw-Ins and Corner Kicks. Being annoyed a little by the increasing amount and effectiveness off wallspam - be it intentional or random - i finally implemented some old concept for Throw-Ins. The Ball goes out to the side - opposing team can get the ball passed by using rmb, while the ...
- 30-04-2009 04:14
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Bot Swap Mutator
- Replies: 0
- Views: 118527
Bot Swap Mutator
Know the way you can switch players in fifa? this enables something similar for deathball. Grab it here . Adding this mutator to a botmatch will allow you to swap controls with any bot of your team. There are two new commands: mutate possess will make you possess the next bot, through all bots of ...
- 21-04-2009 01:05
- Forum: Death Ball Clans
- Topic: MatchPlan
- Replies: 2
- Views: 58847
Since the league fixtures got announced, i dug out some old ircbot to help organize who's available for which game on my team. And now to the point i'm posting this: i'd like to offer this service to any team signed for the league . So if you want to try it, contact me (in irc). The script tracks ...
- 29-03-2009 19:23
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-KeeperTrial
- Replies: 2
- Views: 12766
A short trial to test your keeping skills. Hint: You'll only get keeper abillities if you're on red team. The trial consists of seven rounds, each requiring 10 consecutive saves. Round 1: Save some shots. Round 2: Save some shots into the BR-Goal to left or right or catch. Round 3: Save some volleys ...
- 21-03-2009 20:43
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-Trialx
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16791
keeping and passing is definitly something i'd like to test as well, but i'm not sure how... also catching might be something worth a test. also, what mode do you prefer? adventure-style like it's now - so only advance if you solve the task or should you just get points depending on how well you do ...
- 19-03-2009 20:56
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB-Trialx
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16791
A short trial to test your deathball skills. Currently it's more a test to see what might be sensible for such a map and what scripts might be needed to pull it off. I know there was DB-Skill, but that required a referee to monitor you. The final goal would be to build a training map (or multiple ...
- 24-11-2008 23:48
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Shot Meter Problem
- Replies: 6
- Views: 13202
When you reinstalled UT or Deathball did you ensure the ini's are deleted as well? (especially deathball.ini and deathballuser.ini) Are there any suspicious messages in you Deathball.log? Is the bar visible only if you have the ball or always? Is it the usual bar (just filled) or something different?
- 31-01-2008 15:02
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: New Physics Volume Question
- Replies: 4
- Views: 28287
with damagevalue i meant damagepersec and i wasn't sure if you need to set the type so it causes some pain anyways i've made a picture that might help you find the settings http://img341.imageshack.us/my.php?image=teamdamvoltr8.jpg and you don't need to set any events or similar :o edit: you need to ...
- 31-01-2008 00:33
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: New Physics Volume Question
- Replies: 4
- Views: 28287
iirc there is no option to set a team - but you can easily extend the PhysicsVolume to allow it: in ued/actor browser rclick on PhysicsVolume (in Actor->Brush->Volume) select new... use package mylevel and name myPhysicsVolume (or any other, but you'll have to adapt the following code snippet then ...
- 03-10-2007 13:04
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Passing doesn't work?!
- Replies: 4
- Views: 16649
you should find the following two lines in your deathball/system/DeathballUser.ini section [Engine.Input]: Aliases[1]=(Command="Button bPassFire | AltFire",Alias="AltFire") Aliases[39]=(Command="Button bSuckFire | AltFire",Alias="SuckFire") if not, the ini wasn't properly built using the defuser.ini ...
- 07-02-2007 22:05
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: MapChange Crash in botmatch 2.4p
- Replies: 6
- Views: 10423