Search found 1962 matches
- 06-09-2012 11:03
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: 4 years later..
- Replies: 116
- Views: 481501
Re: 4 years later..
Just about. 

- 11-06-2012 01:19
- Forum: Death Ball Maps
- Topic: DB Map Ice Demon
- Replies: 7
- Views: 86276
Re: DB Map Ice Demon
It's a really great map. Thanks. 

- 11-06-2012 01:17
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Ahem...
- Replies: 4
- Views: 25484
Re: Ahem...
Oh, hi. ^^
- 11-06-2012 01:16
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Favorite game of all time.
- Replies: 4
- Views: 22794
Re: Favorite game of all time.
Maybe the future isn't totally bleak, but we'll see. 

- 05-11-2011 04:57
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Favorite game of all time.
- Replies: 4
- Views: 22794
Re: Favorite game of all time.
Deathball is unique. I'm amazed no one else has come up with a similar formula. NA DB is officially dead I think (see #db3v3 and #radical @QuakeNet). Euroland is hanging on by its fingertips (#deathball). It's still played but only by a dedicated few. A real shame but it had a great run (feel free ...
- 05-11-2011 04:51
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Hows DB now?
- Replies: 1
- Views: 14762
Re: Hows DB now?
Hey there. Bit of a late reply. x) Yeah, I remember the VO days. Really loved them but I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be, and I'm not sure I was that hot to begin with. ^^ Traditional VO isn't played any more but we do have the (very) occasional gibball match. Honestly, if you went off it ...
- 09-08-2011 22:58
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: the "next" deathball
- Replies: 1
- Views: 14426
Re: the "next" deathball
If DavidM is working on a DB successor he's keeping very quiet about at. I wouldn't hold my breath. 

- 16-07-2011 18:50
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: 4 years later..
- Replies: 116
- Views: 481501
Re: 4 years later..
DI. We're still playing on #deathball (some nights are busier than others admittedly
). Deathball is still being developed (unofficially) and we even get the odd new map. Drop by and have a game or two, if only for old time's sake. 

- 04-06-2011 16:20
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: [ Public DB "Event" 20:00 CET on Sundays ]
- Replies: 73
- Views: 172785
- 23-04-2011 19:17
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Hello!
- Replies: 5
- Views: 20770
Re: Hello!
It's still going if you want to swing round #deathball on Quakenet. You should be able to bind curve in the options menu. It shows up as Prev/NextWeapon (left/right) and BananaDown/Up (for up/down, duh) in DeathballUser.ini. Alternatively use "set input q PrevWeapon" for example. Or do you mean why ...
- 24-03-2011 13:40
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Trojan on deathball.net?
- Replies: 4
- Views: 21001
Re: Trojan on deathball.net?
If you have a trojan in your temporary internet folder clearing your browser's cache should remove it. 

- 12-03-2011 16:50
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: Hi Deathball
- Replies: 1
- Views: 14904
Re: Hi Deathball
The festering corpse of DB is still twitching in #deathball if you ever fancy a game. Still games going at 4am (GMT at least). 

- 19-07-2010 18:17
- Forum: Death Ball
- Topic: What is the current status of DB in North America?
- Replies: 3
- Views: 17946
Re: What is the current status of DB in North America?
Its reliance on solid teamwork meant that people looked for more organised games on IRC which left pubs as volley only and noob unfriendly. The change of goal size obviously had a large impact on the install base. The fact that UT2003/4 weren't as popular as UT must have had an effect too. Still, it ...
- 13-07-2010 11:49
- Forum: Death Ball Servers
- Topic: Question about the correct installation on my server
- Replies: 4
- Views: 70904
Re: Question about the correct installation on my server
Ah, I can imagine that would be a problem. deathballuser.ini isn't created until you run ut2004.exe with the -Mod=Deathball parameter, after Deathball's been installed locally. Can you put up a folder somewhere of the deathball directory and tell people to copy it to C:\UT2004 (or wherever UT is ...
- 13-07-2010 10:41
- Forum: Death Ball Servers
- Topic: Question about the correct installation on my server
- Replies: 4
- Views: 70904
Re: Question about the correct installation on my server
I don't think a server side fix is possible I'm afraid. I think you'll just have to tell them to delete it.