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by uberslacker
17-08-2003 18:52
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Shake
Replies: 136
Views: 66081

kaot wrote: also i agree with Berk, taking away the charge sound so only the keeper can hear it would help the O get a few more good shots off.

i thought this was going to happen in 1.8... but yeah i was wrong
by uberslacker
16-08-2003 23:01
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: DBL minus SoP
Replies: 14
Views: 16366

sad to see sop go, i remember you guys as being one of the best teams from the start

gl to you guys
by uberslacker
15-08-2003 06:30
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB
Replies: 42
Views: 21707

isnt this like.. playing DM.. however.. if your good.. then your gun is altered so that its impossible to kill someone :p I consider boost goals a skill, that everyone can pick up if they tried, and one that can also be defended against, like dodge-jumping, if you can master it, its a useful skill,...
by uberslacker
14-08-2003 23:19
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB
Replies: 42
Views: 21707

Blitz wrote: DavidM:

How high are these "units" ? If someone is at the peak of a normal, non-boosted quad jump is thier volley power going to be lower than someone on the ground? If so your idea is lame.

by uberslacker
14-08-2003 06:03
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB
Replies: 42
Views: 21707

there's nothing wrong with 10+ goals per game.

obviously if they are all a lame move then that's bad
aaand duh

there's your duh(s), sorry i had to spell it out for ya :/
by uberslacker
14-08-2003 05:04
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB
Replies: 42
Views: 21707

YoYo789 wrote: there's nothing wrong with 10+ goals per game. (obviously if they are all a lame move then that's bad)
um... duh?

and surge, set jumping is gay
by uberslacker
14-08-2003 01:52
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB
Replies: 42
Views: 21707

gnomeh, you ever play a game where most of the shots on goal were boost goals and you didn't have 1 go in?

this is what i'm talking about, you can have a shutout when defending regular shots and maybe even vollies, but with boost goals, hello 10+ goals per game
by uberslacker
14-08-2003 00:12
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB
Replies: 42
Views: 21707

An Idea to Eliminate Boost Goals from DB

Well, earlier today, NS and RusH had a scrim and lets just say after the game members of both sides were unhappy with how much boost goals were being used (and their effectiveness). Now I have never liked these types of goals, but I have to admit I scored a few of these types of goals in my day beca...
by uberslacker
09-08-2003 20:59
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: player hight on middle radar
Replies: 53
Views: 23718

for this height deal i think a good way to implement this would be to make the dots on the radar bigger and smaller depending on their height... also since with boosts they would be really high making them really big on the radar, the higher they get aka bigger the dot is on the radar, the more tran...
by uberslacker
30-07-2003 00:23
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Americans, Europeans and Australians together?
Replies: 22
Views: 20485

i think it would be fairer if games played for some sort of international league would either be played home and away, or would be played somewhere neutral, aka if NA and EU play, they would play on an aussie server... that type of thing... would make for really laggy games, but at least everyone wo...
by uberslacker
28-07-2003 06:08
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: "He's on fire!" mutator
Replies: 36
Views: 18378

i actually like this idea, but only for pubs duh :)
by uberslacker
25-07-2003 23:38
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 391948

These are the kind of people V3 has to put up with

This one kinda explains itself... aka wtg? people V3 has to put up with? lol, classic
by uberslacker
25-07-2003 23:29
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 391948

what freshy said, aka sin all this crap got old about 10 seconds after the first time i heard it and its not the winning that gets to me, its just the constant rubbing in of when they win. i really don't feel thats necessary. when NS or any other na team win we let the play on the field talk for us,...
by uberslacker
25-07-2003 18:51
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 391948

Re: Surge and everyone else that plays db...

Stupid ass posts like this are the beginning of an end for everyone playing this game. I've seen it happen in a lot of other games and you're just doing it out of frustration.. There's no doubt about it... V3 act like bastards, but only when someone starts some shit, and it always comes down to - w...
by uberslacker
25-07-2003 14:52
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 391948

personally, i agree completely with surge (holy crap). before v3, waay back in 1.3b and 1.4b, the american db community was flourishing. I remember the big four clans, RusH, NS, L7, and SoP always played with eachother and had great respect for one another when playing... aka no bug goals and nothin...