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by theberkin8or
20-04-2007 02:08
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: wow, talk about memories. any old school ppl around still?
Replies: 49
Views: 70740

Iraq has been a mess, but at the start of the war I think there were few options. You had a radical muslim terrorist attack on our soil, a madman that had used chemical weapons on his own people who also funded suicide bombers in palestine, who wouldn't let UN inspectors into certain facilities. I ...
by theberkin8or
17-04-2007 10:16
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: wow, talk about memories. any old school ppl around still?
Replies: 49
Views: 70740

I believe the list was: we didn't know if they had WMDs (+1 berk) was likely to cause civil war due to the sectarian make up of Iraq (+1 berk) would create more terrorist (+1 berk) would increase not decrease terrorism (harder to measure) possibly other things were not as correct but I don’t reme ...
by theberkin8or
09-04-2007 01:55
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Official Suck Joke thread
Replies: 7
Views: 11494

Official Suck Joke thread

Because they never get old. ;-)
by theberkin8or
06-04-2007 00:32
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 4th mouse button
Replies: 25
Views: 34089

Db has a "suck" button now? what does it do switch everything to 1.5 rules?

*so many possibilities with the word "suck" but I will keep it clean for the kids*
by theberkin8or
06-04-2007 00:26
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: wow, talk about memories. any old school ppl around still?
Replies: 49
Views: 70740

Priior good to know you are still playing. Wish I could try the new version but I am in middle of no where Japan teaching English (laugh) and I can't get broadband :( foo btw remember that thread on dbcenter where everyone thought I was an idiot about the war in iraq. I was right. ;-) Good job [BusH]
by theberkin8or
08-03-2007 04:39
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: wow, talk about memories. any old school ppl around still?
Replies: 49
Views: 70740

I think deathball center was run by 13 of SoP. Night eventually even uber turned into a volley whore :-x No UFO is not one of the orginal 4 "ballers" clans pri. I remember when I first joined UFO and we were in the second division of the league (can you imagine that enough teams to make 2 divisions ...
by theberkin8or
10-07-2006 15:32
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: 'Real' Shake
Replies: 8
Views: 9858

I have always liked this idea. Are there any servers out there to try it on?
by theberkin8or
14-03-2005 22:04
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: yo :(
Replies: 38
Views: 32425

lol m8, i have been posting on this forum for like 2 years and since deathball is not in progress right now I don't see a problem with talking about something that could be of interest to the deathball community. It isn't like i am some randum n00b posting this. Without any development going on ...
by theberkin8or
14-03-2005 22:01
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: This Is Why No One Plays Deathball
Replies: 55
Views: 42761

yeah eso is a pos, same goes for most of pits tbh
by theberkin8or
14-03-2005 21:10
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: yo :(
Replies: 38
Views: 32425

we should all go to sourceball's forums and telling them what we love about deathball and what things could be changed. right now i am a little worried they are going to throw a lot of powerups and such into the game and make it more complex than it should be.
by theberkin8or
14-03-2005 15:29
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: yo :(
Replies: 38
Views: 32425

is sourceball out yet?
by theberkin8or
04-03-2005 19:11
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Right Click Noob Cannon aka The Mael Move
Replies: 25
Views: 28264

no tv can't die until i get my balls back...erm karma ball
by theberkin8or
04-03-2005 15:07
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Right Click Noob Cannon aka The Mael Move
Replies: 25
Views: 28264

if the ball is indeed going through a defender then the raduis should be fixed or something. I also hate when people use it to make pass volleys very easy becuase i think that is abuse but i do think that using it to misdirect is a valid tactic. I do think that skilled players should be about to go ...
by theberkin8or
19-02-2005 15:45
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Vertical banashots? =p
Replies: 76
Views: 61151

yeah that button pressing stuff sucks, we shouldnt' have to press any buttons the game should play itself using our throughts as controls. but then people would bitch about it being too much like football/soccer
by theberkin8or
10-02-2005 05:00
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: are there any ausies who play deathball?
Replies: 16
Views: 15839

omg psyc and phil my two loves :) <3 messy