Search found 60 matches

by frostymoss
20-09-2003 01:26
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: my 1st article for
Replies: 9
Views: 5604

nobody really talks in ballers anymore...everyons in dbpug
by frostymoss
20-09-2003 01:15
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: DB-ArenaFour
Replies: 11
Views: 10204

i forgot to mention that this is beta...well in the sense that i know its not done. hehe the curve thing works you just need some exp. in it takes a few tries. Ill get another screen up in a bit. I need space... The clank sounds arent there because of a mismatch in tag names...if you check in ued ...
by frostymoss
19-09-2003 01:33
Forum: Death Ball Maps
Topic: DB-ArenaFour
Replies: 11
Views: 10204


readme: Map Name: Arena Four. Game Type: Deathball. Author: frostymoss. Last Compile: Sep 18 03. Build Time: Probably a good 50 hours. Game: Unreal Tournament 2003 About: Located in the middle of a Lake, Surrounded by skyscrapers, an original theme for Deathball. An ideal Volley Only map. A really ...
by frostymoss
15-09-2003 03:22
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Deathball is 1337
Replies: 42
Views: 18275

kthx there was a ut mod game very similar to deathball with guns.....oh yeah thats what epic ripped off to make bombing run kthx. db is good cuz instead of sex0r you can have db and its like having sex0r with a really h0t girl and its really cool and shit cuz you get like ...
by frostymoss
12-09-2003 22:29
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: sigh to the assholes
Replies: 44
Views: 30412

by frostymoss
12-09-2003 22:02
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: sigh to the assholes
Replies: 44
Views: 30412

sigh to the assholes

post deleted cuz noone wants to discuss a topic like this.... dumb of me to even post it.
by frostymoss
10-09-2003 22:03
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: Spam ball (is this why db isn't as much fun anymore?)
Replies: 44
Views: 23548

i agree it is spamball now... berk remember the good ol passing days of pre1.5? There was no spamming it away catching it with a jump+hammer and if you didnt catch it, you could still get it.
by frostymoss
31-08-2003 04:05
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL
Replies: 222
Views: 395061

i didnt want to read through all 15 pages...but...surge you said v3 killed clans and got players like cordawg etc...v3 didnt kill wk n00b...get yo facts right bizatch.
by frostymoss
20-07-2003 07:40
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Favorite Song
Replies: 38
Views: 26065

hopesfall - danawalker - the satellite years (band/song/album)
by frostymoss
20-07-2003 07:35
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: It`s got to stop
Replies: 28
Views: 14192

Dev ive tried this are 100% right, but i can 99% promise you that someone is gonna flame you for that, happens to me (i say something, someone insults my president oO)...
by frostymoss
20-07-2003 02:43
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: If DB Wins....
Replies: 70
Views: 35233

The_One wrote: weird guy.

I second that.
by frostymoss
20-07-2003 02:42
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: Clarafication!
Replies: 77
Views: 63835

no comment on this thread totally disagree to play v3..why? am i scared? rofl, of course not, but i don't wanna play the retards that post shit all day long .........probably the same sort of guys that vote for GW BUsh, so, surprise, eh? What does our president have to do with it? My god, you are ...
by frostymoss
19-07-2003 21:03
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: If DB Wins....
Replies: 70
Views: 35233

Three things: -Most of your comments are based on misinterpretation (most things u said other ppl claimed they hated, were just neutral comments from them, maybe slightly negative but it wasnt as criticising as u made it seem, also i think most ppl do take it in account that it's only the first ...
by frostymoss
19-07-2003 19:11
Forum: Death Ball
Topic: If DB Wins....
Replies: 70
Views: 35233

It is hypocritical to call surge ignorant, when you wont even read what he says, or respond, and just flame him. He's right. You're ignorant if you are saying that deathball has a bigger fanbase and established clans, that is only because it has been out for over half a year. And if you are ...
by frostymoss
09-07-2003 04:52
Forum: Death Ball League
Topic: A serious fault
Replies: 20
Views: 18411

i havent had any involvment w the leageu lately, its not like i check it regularly