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Post by -LyNx- »

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Post by Morning*Star »

Catalyst88 wrote: A ladder system works better than a league anyway, for online games...


people dont want to be told when to play games, theyd rather just play games whenever they want, plus with the league system teams are more focused on winning cause if you lose in the league, you lose 3 points which you cant get back. whereas in a ladder system you can make up for a loss therefore games would be more fun as there wouldnt be as much pressure to win:)

edit: also i dont think ppl like being told who to play against, id rather not play teams at all if playing with them is no fun
Last edited by Morning*Star on 10-01-2004 00:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

Morning*Star wrote: ^

people dont want to be told when to play games, theyd rather just play games whenever they want, plus with the league system teams are more focused on winning cause if you lose in the league, you lose 3 points which you cant get back. whereas in a ladder system you can make up for a loss therefore games would be more fun as there wouldnt be as much pressure to win:)

edit: also i dont think ppl like being told who to play against, id rather not play teams at all if playing with them is no fun


yep, If i have certain dates I HAVE to play, it makes it less fun, because maybe im not feeling like it that day, (bad example ;))
but yes, a ladder is far better imo
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Post by devnull »

well either which way just wanted to let everyone know that a ladder has been started on if anyone was interested
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

People should only play when they want to and are avaliable. I often see my team have 5 people there playing against pickup players, as there is never any team avaliable, and if they are, they don't wanna "risk" a dbl match. Besides, a strict schedule may force an unprepared team: what happens usually is having to get 5 players nearly on the time, as some aren't avaliable, taking on a team that probably doesn't want to play like that (and let's not forget deathball is growing old).
A non schedule system wouldn't "force" players to be so stressy about a match, giving them the freedom to play when and who against they want to play.

So... straight to the point: shall we kick clanbase back in, or create an independent ladder ourselves? :)
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Post by GazMaN »

Holy_Surfing wrote: Indeed...
, and if they are, they don't wanna "risk" a dbl match.

Thats one of the things that pisses me off most bout dbl!

fun? hell no , we need to win
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Post by Requiem`` »

imo, CB allready created a ladder system, don't really get the point in creating a new ladder system

+ CB admins aren't part of db community, so no more partiality problems and having cb ladder active could bring new teams, as most of them died while waiting a new season of dbl
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Post by devnull »

well like i said has a ladder for europe and if anyone is interested let me know....i have a few people that do NOT play deathball that have had an interest in being league admin so like i said if anyone is interested they can sign up at

if you want db playing admins let me know or if you guys don`t even want this ladder let me know
Last edited by devnull on 12-01-2004 19:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GazMaN »

well ive asked my team if we wanna take part in it. I expect they will, ill let ya know in due time
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Post by Wibble »

imo, there will be a distinct lack of interest in a new season of DBL (if it ever starts). I think that this is the best way to go in the short term at least
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Post by Triple_B »

don't have time to read all this, but anyways:

we already had this discussion...I can remember sqleaf and me coming up with clanbase ideas, but as in many other threads there is a lot of talking, but nothing happens....

This thread is 6 days old (maybe not that long) and nothing is happening...

lets ask the admin of the DB ladder on clanbase to clean the whole ladder and let us add clans again...

Would be a good fresh start...I really miss having matches
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Post by devnull »

lol guess no one wants to use my ladder :(
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Post by RaGe|DB »

devnull, im gonna ask D@MN when i come home...
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Post by [1234]Jr »

I've asked someone from CB to read this thread, see what he thinks :)
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Post by bloodeh »

ya lets play some cb-games, we challenged damn this week, but they had no 5 :-(

Challenge rr and i'll look if we can ;-)

nationladder will germany join, i think (hope for this!)
Last edited by bloodeh on 18-01-2004 15:52, edited 1 time in total.