Why deathball will die

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by BlackFlame »

btw to everyone who has "db is dying" in 1 way your correct because as soon as something is born it is dying but doesnt mean its gonna be any time soon. if deathball wins the MSU competition there will be thousands mroe playing it, and if it doesnt it will still go far and a LOT more people will start playing. DeathBall is a long way from dead
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Post by Rino »

Well i'm sure it will not die, and if they will do it for ut2k4 it will live a 2nd life,
not true nothing novelties, TRUE COMMUNITY IS TOO SMALL TO MANAGE WITH HASSHOLE #dbpickup.... Admins should stop to abuse of their faculty...
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Post by [GR]Kermit »

You know in the the earlier versions there were add ons like volley (very early), sprinting ( :( ), curve balls, removing of the noobcannon etc..
All these things made Deathball interessting. So now in the 2.0 changelogs I haven't seen any really heavy changes that will change the style of playing deathball.
the same thing that thing with the maps. Cube here Cube there. Cube gets so fucking boring. When i see the map i get a impulse to barf.
Everytime the same.
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

[GR]Kermit wrote: Cube here Cube there. Cube gets so fucking boring. When i see the map i get a impulse to barf.
Everytime the same.

I agree with you there, but it wont kill db
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Post by DavidM »

Rino wrote: #dbpickup.... Admins should stop to abuse of their faculty...

admining is really awful
when people need to be banned nothing happens
instead you get banned for no reason and admins abuse their powers
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Post by Mayer.hun »

So now in the 2.0 changelogs I haven't seen any really heavy changes that will change the style of playing deathball

Well.... maybe the gameplay wont change that seriously., but with all the other new additions, all it gets just even more kickass :) imho...

Well... Cube maybe gets bored a bit sometimes... but Dunno how to force people to play other maps without any moaning... that's the problem to solve, not thinking about how and why db is dying...
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Post by f1end »

OMG... have you people not played around with the new bounce...

That's a novelty in my book...being able to bounce without the chance of it flying off and bouncing round the whole of cube like a pin-ball...and then being able to volley with no latency after bounce...

this COULD change the way deathball is played, making it a much faster game.
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Post by DavidM »

if you volley it immediately or bounce it and volley right after it....whats the difference? (except that bounce + volley looks stylisher)
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Post by f1end »

hmmm...are u new to db? ;) :p

U can create more space with the bounce, confuse the defence, wrong-foot the keeper...then volley it in \o/
(or theres the bounce dribble)

And yes it looks way more stylish.
(stylisher's not a word dude)

Anyway, leave me alone to have my love affair with the right mouse button (I'm a mac user, a right mouse button is novelty enough 4 me) :D
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Post by theberkin8or »

/me waits for davidm to put the delay in again once he sees what can be done with bounce but it will be fun whlie it lasts and it would be good if he left it out cuz it would give a lot of opitions (I too wanted him to remove it but i didn't think he would).

the only problem with new players coming from 2k4 is that unless a shit load of them come the current players are too damn good for the n00bs to have fun, unless they really love the idea. We are one l33t community skill wise... though i will say that the NA skill level is not what it used to be.. maybe a good thing
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Post by FireCell »

I dont see a problem with dbpickup admins.. Its always going to be the same if someone is banned their team mates will complain if you dont ban the other ppl will complain..
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Post by f1end »

shhh... berk...don't tell him...i really don't think he knows ;)
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

theberkin8or wrote: the only problem with new players coming from 2k4 is that unless a shit load of them come the current players are too damn good for the n00bs to have fun, unless they really love the idea. We are one l33t community skill wise... though i will say that the NA skill level is not what it used to be.. maybe a good thing

Not true, but true at the same time

The NA Community is good, but DB is an easy game to pick up and play. Thats why it's so fun, but at the same time it's not much of a challenge and there aren't unique/fun things to do anymore (i.e. broomstick...it was unfair, but fun) Especially in a pub, since a lot of the "veteran" players just screw around on pubs (i know i do) it would make it a lot easier for a noob to learn the game. People just gotta be a little more patient with them.
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Post by Fooman »

DB isn't dying anytime soon. The fact that you people are here posting that it's dying/not dying instead of just leaving the game yourself is proof. Also, the prophets said that V3 was going to kill DB, so we're fine for now, let's just hope the 2nd coming of V3 is far off. :P
