Formal Map Making Requests for 2k4 :)

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Formal Map Making Requests for 2k4 :)

Post by Inphidel »

flags on the ball spawn so it doenst have the base on it if you dont' want it

a flag to allow the ball to start with karma, so you could make it spawn in the air and drop sorta like a basket ball 'throw'

ways to make the ball spawn in 3 different points for the possibility of first spawn in the middle of the map. and from that point on a spawn so if one team scores it spawns on the other side of the map giving another team posession..

these minor changes would enable some mappers to make some new styles of maps thus keeping DB spiced up instead of the same ol game play.

remember.. this is a 'good' thing :)
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Post by Messy »

I think the 2nd thing has been done (dropping ball on spawn)

The rest would be good, altho the 3rd thing would be same as spawning one player from the team who got last scored again closest to ball @ round start ;)
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Post by Inphidel »

ha well - the 3rd if someone was to make a newer american style football map. it could sorta act like a kick off. you start near your own goal with the ball and hafta fight down field. but i wouldn;t make that garbage of a map ;P there still other things possible with this lil addon.

the ball dropping. i've seen it happen but can't tell if its a bug. but in order to do what i wanna do. i can't have the ball spawn base peice there cuz i want the ball to spawn high in the air and drop down for a volley ball type map. and that thing floating in the air is an eyesore.