To Guiity / Fo

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Post by Fooman »

y no cube?
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Post by Imaginos »

MaStEr wrote: imag, i have been setting reg db to vo because thats how it was set before we had a vo game type and because people complain about the vo gametype only have one map (smallcube) since reading this I set the reg gametype back to reg but could you please put all the normal vo maps (i.e. twig maps like blueridge, small enclosure, small dragonisle, devil's arena, and others like temple, volleycube, etc...) on the vo gametype...because most people want to play vo but they want to play more than just smallcube which is the only map right now...

Ahhhh.. ok. Where has Guitty been? I'll take a look at it right now.

edit: all done. VO and gibball now have access to all the server's maps.
Last edited by Imaginos on 26-04-2004 04:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaStEr »

thanks imag...guitty has been very busy with work and life :( so he isnt around much anymore...i dont know how long our server is gonna last :( i think it might be cancelled in june...we will have to see with the money situation...i dont know if i can pay again because im tryin to save up to get a turbo kit for my car :D
Last edited by MaStEr on 26-04-2004 14:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Guitar_God »

FUCK!!!! I just erased my message!!!... WTG BACK BUTTON!!!

edit: it was a long one too!
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Post by Guitar_God »

OK since I fucked up on the first long post... I will make this one the shortened version! (as everyone rejoices \o/ )

I have been away from server admining for a while being busy with work and getting my life in order. I am starting to get things settled down a little so I should be able to spend more time tweaking the server provided the following comes out well.

We have a money problem within the clan as far as server costs are concerned. If I cannot find some money soon, the server will be caput... If it does remain open... we still have the overwhelming (double) costs of servers for UT2k4 that we will have to address.

With the formalities out of the way it's time for DB ranting.

I like VO for playing around when I don't give a shit about who wins and so forth. I love REG games, they are definitely more competetive and sometimes more enjoyable although aggravating.

I DO NOT believe that PUGs are going to help NA DB as a growth horomone. Many people that are getting into gaming don't have a clue what the hell IRC is, or will want to take the little time it takes to learn how to connect to servers and join channels as well as the little commands used to join a PUG. They are sure as hell NOT going to want to wait for a 10 person game to fill up.

I believe that REG and VO PUBs are going to be the saving grace as well as people who are willing to welcome the n00bs by teaching them how to play when they ask, and be nice to them instead of shunning them for missing a pass/shot/boost/etc.

O.K. ranting over.

I will be addressing some new gameplay issues as well as some old ones in a new thread shortly. I will be compiling a list of things that may seem rather strange, but in the same respect enhance gameplay. I have no timeframe for when I will be done with this, but it shouldn't take too terribly long.

So, being exhausted from this lovely letter,
Peace fuckin' outy!

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Post by Orbitul »

Yah the whole how to grow DB thing is really difficult. I certainly learned how to play DB on regular DB public servers. There used to be a few to choose from and i could play late into the night. It always seemed competitive and i rarely got frustrated. Well, times have changed.

Even when we tried to get public servers going again a few months ago it just didnt work out. It's not the same anymore when you are used to playing organized scrims or pugs.

What we need is a new generation of public players who can all learn together and be excited about it instead of 1 or 2 new people coming into a server with all veterans and being blown away and not coming back. So basically what most people are thinking is that UT04 is our only hope. This has the chance of bringing flocks of new people instead of 1 or 2 at a time.

When DB was originally released it was right after UT03 was released and it created a huge stir. People were instantly drawn to the gameplay and it had a large community from the get-go. We need that type of influence again in UT04. So lets just hope that it comes out soon to take advantage of Ut04's release. And when it does lets also hope there are a few good public servers to choose from. There will be new people for sure but will they stay?

On a side note, if guity or imag are thinking about making an NA public server for UT04 and need help with cash please contact me and make a post on I bet we could get enough collections to have it running for a couple months at least when the new people arrive.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

yar.. I was just on the ut2k4 servers, and when I pulled off a simple volley noobs were like N1 :D and all, its very enthousiastic, luckely its coming back, they learn to have fun when they intercept and all, good game \o/
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Post by Guitar_God »

I agree and that's what we are going to need.

Fø is having a server change. When fully set up our ip will be

This server is 2k3 for now... and will be upgraded to 2k4 in a short while.

Our server should remain public as it is now even with the increased prices of 2k4 hosting.

SO good game that we were able to work something out.
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Post by Inphidel »


the only game i've played for so long in a row since Quake World Team Fortress and Day of Defeat :)
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Post by Esorcismo »

First of all, I think it's a perfect time to enter my two cents into this whole ordeal being as I haven't checked these forums in a very long time because well... posting is usually a waste of time.

But anyway, the server is what the server is... too many times I've heard people saying "you should do this" or "you should do that"... and then there's other pricks that try and demand we do something with the server... know, we're providing a public server, one of the only ones left for North America and you got the balls to tell us what we should and shouldn't do with our server nevermind demand it??

I'm sorry, but that kinda annoys me. Yes, VO can get boring sometimes but it's a fun free-for-all type mode that many enjoy. If you don't like a constant VO server than feel free to begin a server of your own. But honestly, even in regular games I rarely see anyone playing a heavily team-based strategy. There's always like three cherry pickers (aka goalhangers) and one defenseman and the goalie who's usually a victim of a 3 on 1 or 3 on 0.

As far as Deathball development is concerned, I've noticed that from 1.8 to 1.9 to 1.9b, bugs were fixed but other things were constantly fucked up in the process. Keeping just isn't the same anymore and I've veered away from said position due to the fact that my whole style was taken away with 1.9b. And also, the new HUD might as well be integrated into Backyard Soccer cause it looks awfully childish.

And a few comments on the North American league, there's too much of a bias from one team to another. SBS usually seems to be on top, now I haven't been keeping track on others matches but the teams are kinda stacked. Typical flamer response will be that I'm just bitching cause my team is 0-2. Personally I don't care, I play on a team cause I enjoy it. But I think there needs to be some way of balancing the teams so leagues are actually fun and competitive all at the same time.

In conclusion, you wanna keep North American Deathball alive? Unstack the teams somehow for league purposes, stop bitching about how others' servers are run, and for crying out loud DavidM I know you don't do shit for programming (by the way, excellent work pissing off Catalyst cause she was probably the best programmer you had) but try and convey our ideas to your "team" and fix the problems cause most of the comments I hear are trashing 1.9b over earlier versions. THAT'S how you keep it alive.

Now, let the ignorant flaming begin.

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Post by Messy »

RaGe|DB wrote: yar.. I was just on the ut2k4 servers, and when I pulled off a simple volley noobs were like N1 :D and all, its very enthousiastic, luckely its coming back, they learn to have fun when they intercept and all, good game \o/

*sniff* *watery eyes* that post made me feel so warm :D

I *need* to buy UT2k4 :o I soo want to teach noobs \o/
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Post by Xelent »

fo server is the only one left cause everyone else got tired of spending money trying to save this game... I wont pay to renue our server after it expires. There is no competition anymore, half the clans never play, and there is only like 5 active ones left.
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Post by CorDawg »

Esorcismo wrote: VO can get boring sometimes but it's a fun free-for-all type mode

free-for-all, everything that deathball isnt/shouldnt be.
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Post by Esorcismo »

Well I don't know about you, but playing a team game doesn't seem to work anymore in VO or reg... does it now? Cause I'm one of the biggest team players there are, but when no one else will play a team game why should I right?
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Post by Scotteh »

Well I don't know about you, but playing a team game doesn't seem to work anymore in VO or reg... does it now?

obviously your talking about just pub games because, in matches and scrims with other teams, team play is very important and can't be won by one single guy unlike vo where you can...which is why i don't care for vo and because its too repetitive