led zeppeling r evil!

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Post by Cenotaph »

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Post by Messy »

Messy wrote: omfg rage, you don't have to start 3 different spammy threads because you visited albinoblacksheep once =/

=/'Funny movie tho ;p I wonder if it's really true ¬_¬
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Post by Rens2Sea »

1. It's old.
2. It's fake.
3. Led Zeppelin pwns j00!
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Post by n00bs_own_Madogg »

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Post by fb.shev »

i was expecting something to "scare me" with this ugly ass girl from the excorcist
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Post by Messy »

lol..like the cradle of filth thing ^^;

Ya, those movies are lame :o
The first time you're up against the ceiling screaming for bananas to save you.
The 2nd time you just laugh real loud from the shock
From the 3rd time on you just see those movies coming from a mile away ¬_¬
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Post by Messy »

omg =\ I just downloaded the mp3 from kazaa (couldn't be arsed to find the record :) lol), converted to wav, reversed it..

..and he definitely says both the words satan, and 666 :x just that I don't think he actually says all of the stuff in the movie.

Try it =\
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Post by -=LyNx=- »

yeh duh messy, thanx for not believing me :p i found some sites where they say its the biggest mystery of rock. He does say the stuff in it but it isnt perfectly clear. There is also other parts in the song where he says "I live for satan".
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Post by Messy »


"Stairway to Where?"

Interesting :o
You might also want to read the http://www.reversespeech.com as a whole, to get the whole idea :x

It's about a theory that says our subconscious minds transmit subliminal (and reversed) messages about our deepest thoughts.
Pretty freudian, and probably a really unsure way of psycho-analysis :x but a good read \o/

They also have a page about this in songs (like Stairway to Heaven), but most of it is said to be backward masking (a manufactured way of transmitting subliminal messages, as opposed to regular reverse speech, which is a natural subconscious thing):

Includes the Popeye Theme saying "Give me a fuck. Give me a fuck now". lol :D
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Post by -=LyNx=- »

use your mic to say those led zep words in sound recorder, reverse it and da da, no backword masking just a very freaky and wierd choice of words by who wrote the song.
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Post by Messy »

If you had read the website you linked me to in the first place, you would have known that it doesn't work that way ;)

Maybe you have even caught your own thoughts ;p
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Post by Cenotaph »

OMFG, what a load of crap...
in most of the songs in that reversedspeech.com, the reversed is not even similar to the words they claim they say...

we could probably pick any song in the world, play it backwards and pick a sound thats slightly similar to a word and then make up a whole text for it...

just look at that "Stairway To Heaven" thingy... the took the word Satan and they created an whole text trying to match the words as good as possible, but it doesnt even make sense tbh... and there are others that say the words are "I live for Satan" :rolleyes:
and plz, only a really disturbed mind can listen "Give me a fuck. Give me a fuck now" in Popeye Theme...

I mean, i know songs that have those subliminal messages, but in all those songs it is intended and its pretty much a joke to all those who really believe that bands try to influence young kids' subsconcious... now that subconscious theory in songwriting and most songs in that site are just ridiculous theories of perverted ignorant minds ^^
Last edited by Cenotaph on 12-05-2004 01:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fs|Pele »

its Tr00 i tells yah , TRO0