i have searched all over all of the settings menus in 2k4 but i just cant seem to find the menu to get rid of that pesky radar in the middle of the screen. can anyone help me out?
i dont remember last time i got rid of it cos i used to hate it too, there was a "radar settings" button if you hit escape ingame...i reckon the middle radar is handy now though...
when you start the game properly (ut2004exe -mod=deathball) you will have the radar options in the settings.
but from my experience i can tell that its a bit annoying when you are new to deathball, but as soon as you start learning how to (ab)use it, you dont wanna miss it again, it's something no serious player can live without
I use the middle radar excessively, and the bottom right one to see the action when I'm sitting a ways away from it all (when keeper, mostly). Oh, and occasionally to see where people are open
Catalyst88 wrote:
I use the middle radar excessively, and the bottom right one to see the action when I'm sitting a ways away from it all (when keeper, mostly). Oh, and occasionally to see where people are open
All content stolen from cata's post apart from these eleven words.
DavidM wrote:
when you start the game properly (ut2004exe -mod=deathball) you will have the radar options in the settings.
but from my experience i can tell that its a bit annoying when you are new to deathball, but as soon as you start learning how to (ab)use it, you dont wanna miss it again, it's something no serious player can live without
Catalyst88 wrote:
I use the middle radar excessively, and the bottom right one to see the action when I'm sitting a ways away from it all (when keeper, mostly). Oh, and occasionally to see where people are open
DavidM wrote:
when you start the game properly (ut2004exe -mod=deathball) you will have the radar options in the settings.
but from my experience i can tell that its a bit annoying when you are new to deathball, but as soon as you start learning how to (ab)use it, you dont wanna miss it again, it's something no serious player can live without
im def not new to db been playing since 1.4b but i just dont like it becuase its not very transparent and it covers up 50% of my screen, maybe if it was clear with little dots on it that would be better.
the huge problem I have with the middle radar, si that I can't see SHIT,... I can't see the dots clear since I then look at the other side of the pitch.. annoying