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Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by DavidM »

how about useful comments?
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Post by Messy »

neloangelo wrote: here is an idea how about a deathball verison thats not beta
There's more than enough of those.
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Post by fb.shev »

ok, after reading every posts.

1.) free kick when (putting boostrick in) passed to man on 2nd/3rd jump after being boosted
2.)penalties after extra time/golden goal(on time limit) = keeper can either; stay, jump, dodge right, dodge left, move right, move left, jump right, jump lets. player; on the edge of area, spawned with ball, using rmb (if you can control speed on penalties with rmb, if not lmb) and shooting where he wants. (penaltie order, top goalscorer, 2nd top gs, 3rd, etc, then alphabetically)

again with free kicks, players cant come within radius of something of the player spawned with ball (i dunno, top goalscorer so far, if not, alphabetically (not keep)

also penaltie if accendentily boostrick in area (freekick taken from the passers position)
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Post by n00bs_own_Madogg »

"here is an idea how about a deathball verison thats not beta" <----- Some useless goon

"how about useful comments?" <----- DavidM


Any way I cant really see how freekicks can be awarded in something like Deathball :/ I mean you ARE supposed to kill the ball carrier right? (unless hes on your team duh) And penalties the same reason :/ ...... Maybe offsides tho ;) Too many lame goal hanging jobbers lately ... but then again the game is fine as it is O_O
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Post by fs|Pele »

freekicks wont ever work and if you make it work people will just disable it because it happens to frequent or its anoying. penalties however might work but i only think the hockey type penalty will owrk the other will be too easy
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Post by fb.shev »

Any way I cant really see how freekicks can be awarded in something like Deathball :/ I mean you ARE supposed to kill the ball carrier right? (unless hes on your team duh) And penalties the same reason :/ ...... Maybe offsides tho Too many lame goal hanging jobbers lately ... but then again the game is fine as it is O_O

did you even bother reading my post? ...
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Post by makush »

I'd give freekick for everything that breaks game flow. E.g. opponent is playing time, reseting the ball, moaning, crying, spamming messages, exploiting some feature...
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Post by Catalyst88 »

now THERE's an idea :D
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Post by DavidM »

offside is the most useless thing i stated 3 pages ago, because if you get a free kick out of it, it would be in your own half, not so very usefull
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Post by Onge »

If offside ever was to be implemented, the offside player should simply explode in a shower of gibs. No stoppages would be needed. Might add a little something to defensive play, trying to play the offside trap, but to be honest I'd rather it was left as it is...
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Post by Twigstir »

Freekicks, penalty shots, offsides, ect... This mod is already too much like soccer and getting closer and closer to it. The flow of the game is what makes this mod so fun. Forget about soccer completely when working on improving deathball.

Deathballs roots maybe from soccer, but it needs to develop it own identity and not run home to mama.
Last edited by Twigstir on 25-05-2004 01:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by n00bs_own_Madogg »

Shev, "Couldnt be bothered to read all the posts, I got as far as the defence argument so this ones for RaGe ^^" Nope i didnt :/
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Post by fb.shev »

n00bs_own_Madogg wrote: Shev, "Couldnt be bothered to read all the posts, I got as far as the defence argument so this ones for RaGe ^^" Nope i didnt :/

bad dog -_-
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Post by Inphidel »

please don't make dball into fifa 2020 . as interesting as maybe a penalty shot might be, this is a sport where your encouraged to explode the enemy offense with your hammer.

its more like a futuristic sport they would let convics play only because they kill eachother ;P
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Post by CurvE »

pfft, i copyrighted that idea about Penalties , i wanted it for a cup game, if anyone remembers, and just as relik explained, thats exactly how i wanted it too...:confused

:hmmmz: And as for this volley radius stuff :blabla: , no way, if thats put in, i'm searching for another game tbh (Take note, I read from page 1 to page 4 [5?])

Deathball is getting samey, as f1end mentioned..

Just bring back a previous version (1.7?? or 1.8??) just sort out the fucking bugs, and then the game is sorted :) (No need to keep fucking updating this game, cause people get used to one version, and then after 1 or 2 month, get pin-pointed to another version, with different radius' and such, which makes people dissapointed at having to change to that version..

If your really desprate for ideas, just listen to Twigster... noone else.. cause tbh, i have never had to dissagree with whatever he says at all, not once, where-as, others.... i have.

But, PENALTIES 4EVA! (Attacker spawns in middle, or in middle of the middle and pbox, if you know what i mean... and then has a limited time to release the ball and hope for the best. Just if the ball touches the walls, count that as a, and a miss, or this penalty idea will just be fucked up..). :hmmmz:
Last edited by CurvE on 25-05-2004 13:56, edited 1 time in total.