Something EVERY deathball map should have

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Something EVERY deathball map should have

Post by moby323 »

On Nightstorm, how you can't stand on top of the goal because it injures you.

The #1 most frustrating cheap thing in this game is cherry pickers who stand on top of the goal waiting for a pass and then just jump down and knock it in.

Yes, I KNOW the goalie can kill them, but the goalie often can't leave the net to chase this guy.

Since there is no off sides in DB, this injury should be implemented on every map directly on the post or whatever above the goal.
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Post by Bounty »

with any keeper that's REMOTELY competent this isn't a problem
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Post by CripTonic »

Bounty, i disagree. most of them will just stand JUST otuside the pbox as not to be killed by the keeper adn if the keeper wants to get him in the box or knock him away constantly, it leaves the net wide open.

For maps with areas behind the net (eg November) you can harass the keep very easily by just jumping on and off the back of the net constantly.
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Post by Bounty »

true that. HOWEVER, it is part of the game, and it puts his team down a player for defense which could mean leaving one person on the opposite team wide open. Also if they try to pass to this guy above the net, the keeper should be able to get to the pass first, since keepers can jump like 65% higher per jump or somethin like that.
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Post by moby323 »

Often I see this is not perpetrated by a noob, but a skilled veteran who just enjoys cherry picking. They know just how to stay enough out of the goalies reach, adn you cant spend your time chasing him around.

True, a defensive player can stay back there to chase him, but A) This makes a very boring match for that poor soul assigined to babysit and B) few defenders have enough patience, so if the cherry picker is persistent sooner or later this will pay off.

This is the deathball equivalent of "camping"
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Post by The_One »

I love defending against guys like that. They never get the ball. ;)
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Post by Onge »

It's not a problem unless you're playing on a pub imo...
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Post by Fooman »

The_One wrote: I love defending against guys like that. They never get the ball. ;)

^ Those are the worst players. If you have one on your team you will lose 80% of the time.
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Post by uberslacker »

hehe, db-nightstorm has something all maps should have....

gg gm0! :p