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Post by Larry_Bird »

You were kicked from #ballers by [RusH]Scott (Larry_Bird)

for no really good reason he ban me, gg kid :p \o/

the only sentence i said was : "this channel is quiet as usual!"

good job op?
Last edited by Larry_Bird on 22-06-2004 01:05, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by tr1p »

oh man, this totally needed its own topic
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Post by beefsack »

i thought you left...
gg kid
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Post by Scotteh »

i thought you left...
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Post by giber »

Let it die m8s. Larry Bird > *
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

4:52pm * Larry_Bird has joined #ballers
4:52pm * ChanServ sets mode: +v Larry_Bird
4:55pm <+Larry_Bird> nothing has change here, always quiet :)
4:56pm * [RusH]Scott sets mode: +b *!*
4:56pm * Larry_Bird was kicked by [RusH]Scott (Larry_Bird)

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Post by Xelent »

yar yar , u have think that i have leave , and ur always banning for no reasons ur poorless childrens and 9 years old always bans because u have been OWN , but since i have come back i have ask dev for ops so ur poorless sbs and rush quiters wont ban me since i have come back , gg ur all poorless 9 years old
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Post by InSaNe` »

lolz u have think that i am not lb , i have done a search of x with and find how he has done it now i have take over SBS u poorless quiters r TIPSY TIPSY:)
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Post by InSaNe` »

lol in all seriousnes...

LB, if you haven't noticed: EVERYONE HATES YOU
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Post by CorDawg »

gg i wish i was there so i coulda banned him b4 scott did

oh btw larry, ever heard of the OFF TOPIC forum?
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Whoah, what happened to the happy go lucky DB community we used to have?

Larry is good people, even if he is Canadian.
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Post by InSaNe` »

No... No he's not.

He's an illiterate french retard that has no grammar what-so-ever.

Plus, all he can do is talk shit and get owned in-game.
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Post by BagsLee »

wtg not everyone hates lb mcown
i think lb is da best!
definately one of my better m8s in all of db
gg na kids, keep on hating fs :(
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Post by giber »

^ NA kids aint shit fs. LOLZ
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Post by BagsLee »

cha na kids aint shit m8. I bet na kids have tried to make you d giber m8. But gib r o fs. Everyone have known this. NA kids should just start making fun of my small penis and leave lb alone. Nubs dunno nuthin bout nuthin fs.

how do i get this sig to work fs :hmmmz:
Last edited by BagsLee on 22-06-2004 06:50, edited 1 time in total.