DBL ladder or league?

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Ladder or league?

I think that Deathball League should start again.
I think that the DBL should become a ladder.
I have trust in the ESL ladder so there's no need for a DBL.
I don't want a league nor a ladder.
Total votes: 34

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Post by siLVer »

rofl, how bout the last 2 seasons didnt finish???
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Post by PHiLø »

deathball league because its origional :)
and 'priiors point' what if a team watned to join a few weeks in, they would have 2 start at the bottom and work up?
Last edited by PHiLø on 20-07-2004 15:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sixty »

PHiLø wrote: deathball league because its origional :)
and 'priiors point' what if a team watned to join a few weeks in, they would have 2 start at the bottom and work up?

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Post by Wibble »

at least they WOULD be able to join. If a league is running they would have to wait for the season to finish
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Post by DavidM »

I am aiming for many more divisions, all with maybe 6 teams, so a season would be done in 3 weeks
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Post by Sixty »

With 6 teams per division you have 2 full divisions at most.
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Post by siLVer »

i still want to remember that the league with the groups should be finished in 3 weeks too...it's still running -_-
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Post by Rino »

I want notice SILVER that like ALWAYS he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about... :)

The dbl Would be finished , couse teams wanted to play playoff But someone persuaded Bazzi to stop it couse 2.0 was out....
We shoud have played playoff later, with 2.0 but noone took care about it... -_-
So it's a organizator fault... not teams fault....

Answering to Catalyst, i agree with you,
a ladder system is needed, even if now i see more than 1 ladder is coming.... ESL , Clanbase and yours one?
But there is a big different btween ladder and league...
Ladder is not a competition, is something u can play always, with no time limit.
To the contrary League is a time limited and teams limited competition... So i think the both things could live toghether.

Well i'm sure i could organize another good cup and make it working... Just hurry up with ur stuff in Db-community couse community need something to do imo. :)
<3 Cata.
Last edited by Rino on 21-07-2004 00:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

We're backing the ESL currently, since it'll be starting pretty soon - when the DBL starts we'll probably cover that too. We've removed the ladders on our own site for the moment :) Although if someone wanted to run some hosted 2v2/3v3 ladders that'd be an idea (that's hosted as a seperate site rather than being a direct part of DB-Com - we can provide the webspace and linkage et al)... we're mostly focusing on covering clans/players at the moment, as well as hosting people's files and match reports, that sort of thing. Map reviews as well.
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Post by l0afz »

l0af votes league ala cb
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Post by bloodeh »

ok in league u blame that the teams are inacitiv and dont play up to date.

But a ladder wont be much more aktiv and u play mostly against the same teams. Its not funny to play 1time in every week against the same team.

In league system u need to play against all in ur groupe/league, so u try to date some games against clans u dont play so much. Without that u try to go the easy way -> challenge the teams u play often against. And then the ladder will become inactiv too, becouse u dont want to play against the same teams again and again and ...
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Post by StRaFe »

start up the old dbl \o/. Ladders are crap
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Post by GreyFox »

jeez, no1 gave a fuck about dbl the last seasons, why should they start now ? ppl will only abandone that sooner or later
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Post by Messy »

I just want a ladder.. possibly a league too.

I don't care who hosts them.