LøC .

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Post by l0afz »


morry and omega = the same

= noob curve

= lol
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Post by CurvE »

= He doesnt really care. \o
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Post by Messy »

I like strafe :o

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Post by Titanium »

my mama cares :(
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Post by speedy »

...no she doesn't. :p
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Post by Rino »

DavidM wrote: loc - the team of the excluded

what is hjalm doing there?

BUAHAHAHAHAH, can't stop laugh... IT'S FUNNY HEAR THIS, TOLD BY THE MAN WHO HASN'T FOUND A CLAN IN AGES.... tbh many clans asked me to join and i'm not really exlcluded , same for the rest of LøC...
Even sd13 kicked you months ago, didn't they?
Or you just killded them with your leadership ability?
And where is that thread you posted some weeks ago where you were searching for a clan? Closed? Deleted couse noone fucking wanted you? Embarassing isn't it?
The only one excluded it's you To be Fucking honest .


And for CURVE:

I found your thread really dumb, exactly like you have became after all those joints o_O

And i told, most of you talks bad about LøC couse it's really easy atm and you really have nothing better to do -_- You just hear someone talking and you repeat as a parrot... Many parrots
Maybe stressed? Grow up tbh x_X
And remember, you can talk bad about LoC but we are atm the only real active clan where players love Deathball and play it regularly...

DAvidM if i were you, i wouldn't insult the only clan that still is playing your game... Deathball is really dieng this time... and that's not becouse of us... Moreover, don't expect i will donate money again to TV... you are too dumb to deserve it :\

Last thing about my skill curve, i just own, (even if i'm the only active sweeper atm) lemme show you on the field, more easy that talking here ;) ::Pfffff::
Last edited by Rino on 03-09-2004 04:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

And where is that thread you posted some weeks ago where you were searching for a clan? Closed? Deleted couse noone fucking wanted you? Embarassing isn't it?
The only one excluded it's you To be Fucking honest.
Congrats, you are dumb :)
But let's get to something thats new...
You won't believe it, but I get offers every day, it's more me not wanting to join them, cuz I see no serious perspective :)
DAvidM if i were you, i wouldn't insult the only clan that still is playing your game...
hehehe 2 days ago you were proud about so many active clans in db and all of them joining your cup :)

don't expect i will donate money again to TV... you are too dumb to deserve it
your problem is, that by donating money you seemed to be claiming that we change everything to your likings :)

donation has nothing to do with support to you, especially not if you behave dumb

you missed bringer!
loc is the team where all annoying persons come together, so you can't leave him out!
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Post by Rino »

DavidM wrote: Congrats, you are dumb :)
But let's get to something thats new...
You won't believe it, but I get offers every day, it's more me not wanting to join them, cuz I see no serious perspective :)


Indeed i don't believe you... and rofl about perspective... Do u want to be the first Dbplayer with a wage?

hehehe 2 days ago you were proud about so many active clans in db and all of them joining your cup :)

heeh hehe i'm proud of course of my organization, and i hope they will be really active, couse in the last month, tell me how many teams you saw playing db except us and sometimes 18+ AoV

your problem is, that by donating money you seemed to be claiming that we change everything to your likings :)

donation has nothing to do with support to you, especially not if you behave dumb

I don't pretend you change everything i don't like, i'm not dumb, i just pretend some respect from you, at least that you stop insulting me and loc for no reason... But it's too late, i had been enuf dumb to donate once... won't happen again ;)

you missed bringer!
loc is the team where all annoying persons come together, so you can't leave him out!
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Post by DavidM »

1. like a team that share my gameplay philosphies so i can have some fun playing? \o/

2. thanks for just contradicting yourself again :(

3. did you succeed pretending respect?
not everybody can be as nice as loc.....tbh this clan is as spammy and unfriendly like something......
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Post by Rino »

1 The philosphies of PASS BUTTON SHOT BUTTON ? Really funny

2. There is not contradiction in what i said, i'm proud couse they joined the cup, but those clans haven't been actived in the last months

3. We are not unfriedly. <3 DavidM
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Post by DavidM »

1. you have rather limited knowledge of gameplay philosophies

2. you makes it with teh pwn!

3. ehm, yes you are
i mean, loc dont have their image for nothing

you can only play against them when you put all kids on ignore ingame \o/
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Post by Cenotaph »

you guys are going to end up marrying each other.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

and rino will wear the dress...
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Post by l0afz »

Rino wrote: LoC but we are atm the only real active clan where players love Deathball and play it regularly...


Last thing about my skill curve, i just own

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Post by speedy »

LOL rino. you don't own.