We need a new sweeper, cos krangy has a lot of exams next months.
U can find us on irc @Qnet #species.hu pm s^23|LeC` or s^23|DeN` but u can post here too :p
Is it all communitys like this? Just played a pickup 3v3 The other team was using spawn keep, and the other 2 players on my team said that its not spawn... "Ego" ffs... spawn isnt hard.. its fair. Concidering the other team do it. Also the fact i get threatend with a ban
hi ash, first dont fuck up other threads,
second, if you !join k, and there is also nothing about spawn keep in the topic and you dont even ask, its a desicion of the team, and sorry my baby YOU are not the team.
i didnt ban you, but i should. you just fucked up the whole match.