Australian Madness? DBL Transfer System Vote!

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Australian Madness? DBL Transfer System Vote!

Post by Ashleh »

I took the time to check out the "Australlian Deathball Community Forums" I then game across this: "Deathball Transfer Market" Having seen this i read into a little more detail. I then came across this: ... &topic=6.0 .

Now what the hell?

This got me thinking as previous editions of DBL have not survived to a potenical in which Deathball should give it. Why not implement some new exiting messures give us an extra area which we would talk about.

Im not fully convinced my self, but there is no harm in typing a post and seeing what happends. People who reply to this post and say Ash ffs, is an idiot...

The System:

Each clan starts of with an array of points, With there orignal members.

If 18+ want Fr` to play for there team, they have to make a deal with af. Maybe giving them 30 points, in which then fr` would have to accept to going to 18+ under his terms of being a first team player.

Once a team receives points for a player, then they can find more players. This way we wont get clan swapping, so clans get kicked or have to drop out. Its a new exiting change, and is no way forced...

Maybe a we can have points received from winning games, as well as the points you get at the start and from offloading players...

As i said its a hit and miss, typing it here actually makes me kinda exited about the idea... but maybe its just a temp thing and will level out soon and will return to my previous mind on this... No!

Please vote under the post, which is in the League discussion. VOTE: ... adid=16404#

For comments on the system please refer to the link above.. Comments on australian forums... please reply to this one :)
Last edited by Ashleh on 10-09-2004 13:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

They also change their teams for every competition... so they don't have fixed clans as such.
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Post by l0afz »

one post for a bad idea is enough
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Post by Messy »

The Ozzy community is really a lot different in that way :)

Impossible for ours I reckon :x
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Post by Shev.npu »

euros dont really give two carks about clans anyway, 2 week stay with clan is good enough
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Post by Onge »

Speak for yourself...
I need my Juice wages to live off...
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Post by Demolution »

We Australians try to make DB active as much as possible, just DavidM keeps on changing the gameplay and version makes it harder for us to play Deathball, since we only have sponsored servers (none of us have ftp/ssh access to update DB).

And another note we only admin 1 server called the| Bookable #1 Deathball 2.2.

We always want to try new things to make DB as popular as we can, using any methods so UT2004 players from within Australia can get into DB.

Since we understand the UK, US and Euro will lag on our servers, so it's pretty hard to make a proper Deathball match. :/

BTW, the Transfer Market was either Cirian's or YoYo's idea.

Oh, and do visit our IRC channel... we would appreciate that. :)
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Post by GazMaN »

ill give u morning star for..... for......

nah you can have him for free, no take him, go on, have him


while im at it, have sina
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Post by Shev.npu »

but sinba sucks, ignore the gazman