Looking for a Blighty Clan

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Looking for a Blighty Clan

Post by DooM3Pro »

Hey Guys,

Im a british male looking for an all british clan for Deathball(thought that would be quite obvious) nothing against any other inhabitant of any country but will be easier to get in touch with people in the same country as me.Looking to start a clan whether your a :noob: or up for a :lol: just post a thread back and I will do the same.


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Post by Mongeh »

I wish you good luck on findin an all brit clan, I'm english and lead a clan and I'd find it near impossible to sort out a proper team if I had to restrict players by nationality as well as everything else, gl tho

You'll get in touch with people in other countries too, the db community is tht close that it makes no difference, they all speak english better than half of us do.
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Post by fb.shev »



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Post by Ashleh »

You may belive you need an English clan, but the majority if not all speak English as there first Gaming language.

Good Luck in finding a clan.
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Post by StRaFe »

Most brits are the best at deathball it seems. Oh imagine an all english clan:D
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Post by DooM3Pro »

I wouldnt mind getting into a team with british players or those of a foreign nationality as long as we understand each other and evrybody plays well like a fully functioning unit then things can only get better(or so it seems) if anyone wants a mad welshman in thier midst then post a thread and let me know.


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Post by xiller8r »

you'll find it hard enough to find a clan that even plays ocasionally let alone one thats only british.
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Post by l0afz »

Sorry, there are no british only clans, you'll have to start one up I guess! Good luck :)
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Post by Ashleh »


You may belive you need an English clan, but the majority if not all speak English as there first Gaming language.

Good Luck in finding a clan.

< I Quoted Myself :P (cba. with forums quote)
Good Luck, Man Utd tonight :)