Been a while since I did any mapping for DB...Since 2k3...So a quick question.
I went to create the DB_Volume for the halfs, penalty box, etc. and I right click on the volumes tab and DB_Volume is not present in the list. Any reasons for this?
I'm running UT2004 Editor. I used to do it on 2k3 Editor, but I assume I can do it on 2oo4...yes?
id guess that you havent got the -mod deathball thing, or if you dont want to do that havent loaded the deathball.u file into the actor class tree thing
Wow, so I guess I totally overlooked that lovely little line of the DB tutorial that said to open it up with the command line.
I just glanced at it and saw it looked pretty similar to what I had seen a long time ago and assumed the rest was the same. My bad. Thanks for the help guys.