Karma Ball question (Push)

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Post by f1end »

I just hope this new push thing means the end of catching the ball while you have rmb held.
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Post by Koning_Floris »

-New push mode that allows pushing the ball with altfire when its slow enough (otherwise it bounces as usually)

So I guess that does mean the end of unwanted catches.
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Post by beefsack »

i want to stuff around with rolly rolly ball <3 please release a non multiplayer version super secret only for beefsack version everything is broken but rolly ball version <3 <3

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Post by `Ghost` »

R3L!K wrote: Dribblers and attackers are gonna love this

:mad: ill wait for the keeper advantages :blabla: I have already noticed players outfield pick the ball up if they touch the rings, keepers do not
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Post by Catalyst88 »

`Ghost` wrote: :mad: ill wait for the keeper advantages :blabla: I have already noticed players outfield pick the ball up if they touch the rings, keepers do not

That'd be because the radious is smaller for a short while after a shot, otherwise no-one'd ever score :)
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Post by Inphidel »

its that kinda inconsitancy that kills me sometimes. i'd rather the radius be small all the time then big sometimes, small others.

cuz then you get short distances passes flying by you sometimes and then sometimes you suck it in :)

::shrugs:: :)
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Post by R3L!K »

yup, it's the inconsistencies that make you wonder if a mistake is actually your fault or the game's.

I've seen enough replays to know that often a ball looks like it's going through you but on the replay it doesn't.

So the logical extension of that would be to increase the catch radius... at least for keeps only.

I would rather have goals harder to score than the reverse. Just my opinion of course...

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Post by beefsack »

i would like to see a square sized magnet, goal sized
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Post by nameless »

about the dribble:

So players dribbling the ball farward are as fast as players without? If yes, why has the old dribbling method been disabled?
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Post by Koning_Floris »

DavidM wrote: We just have to make sure its not abusive and a dribbler gets slowed down...

So I guess they thought of that already ;)
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Post by `Ghost` »

R3L!K wrote: So the logical extension of that would be to increase the catch radius... at least for keeps only.


and i dont even mean increase it by a huge amount :eek: just a tad
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Post by Messy »

`Ghost` wrote: :mad: ill wait for the keeper advantages :blabla: I have already noticed players outfield pick the ball up if they touch the rings, keepers do not

It's called latency o_O
One of the fundamental DB changes.

It would be unfair for keepers to have the same pickup radius all the time :x

Some shots are not meant to be saved (say hi to defence)
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Post by Onge »

I think if you react quick enough you deserve to save any shot - regardless of how good it is. However it is largely a player's ping that makes it look like the ball went through you, and there's nowt that can be done about that...
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Post by theberkin8or »

think about the same thing in soccer, if an attacker hits the cross bar and the post and the same time on the inside and it goes in that is a shot that can not be saved unless the keeper is in the exact right possition and reacts fast. this is pretty much the same idea

what you really saying is that the keeper should have the advantage, but just as it would not be fair if there was a way that a player could score every time no matter how good the keeper is, it is just as unfair to for a keeper to be able to save every ball no matter how good the shot is. see what i mean?
Last edited by theberkin8or on 16-12-2004 21:26, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by priior »

a few points:

(1) i don't like the idea of the keeper not being to save a shot even if he was dead on.... on those shots where it's the defence's fault.. and its a real close range volley.. let the keeper radius be VERY small.. but let it be there... it gives the players hope that they might save the shot in that one in a 1 in a 20 chance.. also gives the attacker some fear so that theyll try to switch directions a bit... hope is a powerful thing.

(2) i was never around when dribbling was possible... im not sure what happened.. but what i am speculating is.. in public matches.. ego whore would get the ball.. and dribble (push) it all the way to the other side and then ego shoot it... without passing tothe noobs.. is this is a possible scenario?