-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
Inphidel wrote:
-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
Wow that's actually a pretty good idea. First good one I've heard in a long time. :p
StRaFe wrote:
Heh you funny holy. What arsenal have you got in your locker exactly that sets you aside from the whore kid thingy?
Take a back seat, im driving this shit.l
lol kiss my ass pal, i never use bounce and volley even if it makes a sure goal. you on the other hand, can only use that. do us a favor and drop dead, or go learn to play deathball like it was meant to be played..
Originally posted by xiller8r
Anyway, see you in another 3 months.
lol holy half the shit i do you cant even do in your dreams mate.
You dont use bounce? like fuck you dont, everyone does imo. Sorry but you must be watching another game/player.
Everything about deathball i own you 10 times over....You know this is true so in future just agree..
Deathball is changing mate and so are the players, get with the times please