2.4 plan

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Post by Inphidel »

^^^ ? ?? ? ? ? ? ^^^

-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P
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Post by InSaNe` »

So how much more time? Not rushing or anything, just would like to know the ETA.
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Post by `Ghost` »

Inphidel wrote: ^^^ ? ?? ? ? ? ? ^^^

-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P

not a bad idea actually o:
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Post by Sixty »

overon wrote: So David M any news about the progress of 2.4 that you care to share with your beloved deciples [ us :) ]


Good, unanswered question above.
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Da Spadger
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Post by Da Spadger »

Idea: Maybe adding possibility to have the hammer in the center? :D
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Post by uberslacker »

-- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P

Inph.... own idea. DavidM do it NOW kthx.
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Post by InSaNe` »

We're waiting patiently.. at least most of us.
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Post by {UFO}Viper »

Inphidel wrote: -- also.. how about adding a dirrection part to the radar? so the Circles look like Q 's you know a line sticking outa the circle to show what dirrection they are facing ;P

Wow that's actually a pretty good idea. First good one I've heard in a long time. :p
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

I'm waiting for DB 2.4 as well. It seems like forever since we've had a few version.


Please try asap, 2.3 is getting boring because we've been playing it for quite some time now.

We don't really need 2.4, just 2.3b, with anti-spam (all the lil whore kid things ye know about) :)
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Post by overon »

They are taking a break. I don't mind though sometimes when people take breaks it results in them abandoning things. I hope that doesn't happen.
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Post by StRaFe »

Holy_Surfing wrote: We don't really need 2.4, just 2.3b, with anti-spam (all the lil whore kid things ye know about) :)

Heh you funny holy. What arsenal have you got in your locker exactly that sets you aside from the whore kid thingy?

Take a back seat, im driving this shit.l
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Post by InSaNe` »

A break sounds like an ok idea but this would be the only exception.

We were REALLY waiting on 2.4, and when you said "we're taking a break" it was like a stab in the heart. This is directed towards DavidM.

How much longer is this "break" gonna last?
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Post by xiller8r »

StRaFe wrote: Heh you funny holy. What arsenal have you got in your locker exactly that sets you aside from the whore kid thingy?

Take a back seat, im driving this shit.l

I know i've not been around for a while, but you can trust me to come back and point out that you still can't use english very well strafe:P

Locker and arsenal would be the same thing in this case:P

What MOVE or TECHNIQUE have you got in your locker/arsenal would have been better:P

Anyway, see you in another 3 months.
Last edited by xiller8r on 06-04-2005 12:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Holy_Surfing »

StRaFe wrote: Heh you funny holy. What arsenal have you got in your locker exactly that sets you aside from the whore kid thingy?

Take a back seat, im driving this shit.l

lol kiss my ass pal, i never use bounce and volley even if it makes a sure goal. you on the other hand, can only use that. do us a favor and drop dead, or go learn to play deathball like it was meant to be played..
Originally posted by xiller8r
Anyway, see you in another 3 months.
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Post by StRaFe »

lol holy half the shit i do you cant even do in your dreams mate.

You dont use bounce? like fuck you dont, everyone does imo. Sorry but you must be watching another game/player.
Everything about deathball i own you 10 times over....You know this is true so in future just agree.. :(

Deathball is changing mate and so are the players, get with the times please \o/

ps. Without being big headed..because i never am

ta, Sam