The time kill and other concerns

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The time kill and other concerns

Post by Surge »

I just wasted about 20 minutes of my time in a league game where 1 team pased around the ball for upwards of 25 minutes. This is not skill. This is not fun. This is a cheap tactic to win. In basketball and soccer and virturally any sport you can do this. Thats why DB needs a shot clock. A clock that should be about 3 minutes that makes it manditory for a lose ball to be in the opposite teams pbox at least once or its a turn over and every1 in the opposing teams end is fragged. Its quite boring sitting around picking my ass watching 2 defenders pass the ball back and forth and occasionally to their keeper if they start getting covered.
Back to an example, Basketball is a team sport. It is a game that requires you to pass the ball no matter what because it will get bicked off, you will travel or you may miss a shot no matter what. This is a lot like deathball. The only different is that that basketball has a shot clock and an over and back rule to prevent being total lame asses and killing time. Killing time for 5-10 minutes would still be possible in DB even with a shot clock because you could shoot 1-2 times on the net then reload your Pbox and camp the hell out of the oncomming players. Sounds fun eh?
Now your prolly thinking "why not just play man to man and get the ball back" Simple reason. In DB there is no such thing as an individual effort. There is no concept of it infact. DB revolves around passign and shooting and blockign shots and everything else as a team. In every other sport in the entire world there is individual effort. Every sport but deathball. So i perpose this idea. Instead of making sprint go faster, why not make it go just as fast as an opponent player without the ball would sprint but burn the bar up much faster. I havn't seen a totally open shopt for some time now and to be quite honest, i dont see this changing anytime soon. Deathball is becoming boring cause we have exhasted every possible, non-bugged, legitimate move there is and the senerios are beginning to repeate themselves. There is no definate way around a pbox camper on offense and theres no definate way around a well placed volley when you keep. Without some kind of variety games get boring. Thats why when you play video gmes over and over and over again they eventually get boring. Its also the reason FPS's dont get boring so quickly. There is no individual style in deathball. There are basically planned out, basic approaches to everything and if you don't use these then simply put, you lose. A defender can make a career out of sitting in the pbox and killing every attack or making them shake very shot. Offensive players can make a career out of making every shot a volley do avoid these defenders and every keeper can make a career of (with quad jump especially) jumping up and stopping every single wall vollie any offender wants to do. The game is no longer fun. There is no variety like there once was. People didnt volley lik they used to because there was no reason to. People didnt camp the pbox like they do now because there was no reason to. Keepers dont have to hit every wall vollie like the do now because god damnit, if you played deathball like you did in 1.3b then most players wouldnt even get 1/2 into the opponents zone without getting whacked or at least hit and most goals would be because of cherry picking or extremely good passing my the offense.
And now is when DavidM or anyone who would give a rats ass would stop reading because they dont care about this game. They care about it suiting their play style. I'm not suiting ym playstyle. In my play style i would just play 1.3b and own like i used to. I'm just pleading that this game associates some sort of function the nelegates the burdents it creates. Time killing, pbox camping, excessive use of vollies. These are all part of the demon that is deathball right now. Its no longer a fun game. Its a tedious game which no longer involves skill but involves the constant repetition of the same damn moves and techniques OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
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Post by Agent_X »


That makes total sense. Good thinking!!!!
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Post by Psyche »


A team game involves team passing, the games we have lost to SOP, NS, and any other clan out there that has beaten us, is because we were passing poorly, there was no effort to run out the clock until there was only 5 minutes left in the game, we practice smart passing, drawing the defenders out, etc... this is a gameplan we have in place, and it worked well tonight.

We enjoy our games with SOP, and I think the majority of SOP enjoys the games we have with them, if you don't like it anymore, then I would suggest you quit DB, and save the rest of us from your constant attitude. We still enjoy the game, and the friendships we have with SOP members, but your attitude is out of line.

If anyone would like the demo, there will be a link posted in the Game results tomorrow probably after it is uploaded.
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Post by Infinism »

Good points. A shot clock would be cool, but ONLY if it were optional on servers, and enforced in league games. There are other necessities that are brought along with it also.

Why? Anyone who plays basketball w/ a shot clock isn't a newbie. Anyone who plays with a shot clock in ANY sport is not a newbie in real life. Little-leaguers are not newbies - they know the game enough for this. Anyone who plays with a timer in chess is NOT a newbie.

But Deathball has newbies. How much of a pain would it be to have a shot clock, and then have newbies messing a play up?

To make the most out of time, players have plans or plays that they will use. Therefore, they need a timeout. Along with shot clock should be a timeout. Not very newb-friendly.

That's off the top of my head - there are probably other things also. :cool:
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Post by Psyche »

Just one more thing Surge, we only have til the 17th to play the RusH Red vs SOP ML match, could you or someone on your team contact me to schedule it?
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Post by Notorius_G.I.B. »

Paragraphs, use them. Silly Canuuk:)
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Post by HooDaMuNGa »

surge i just registered to tell you that youre acting like an asshole right now. yes we are in the same clan but i have to disagree with you on this one.

like in basketball, a shot clock stops a team from wasting more then 35 seconds with the ball. but you know what would also work if a shot clock didnt exist? a full court man to man press. why doesnt the qb in a football game have 5 minutes to throw the ball? because the defense has linemen who put pressure on the qb. the point is that what happened to you tonight can be stopped with some good man to man defense.

the fact is that rush made you play their game tonight. they had total control. complaining, especially during the game, wont help stop their time wasting tactics. if you want to stop something like that, you have to have a gameplan going into the game. passing around to waste time is a valid tactic that should be used if you know how, but yes surge it can be stopped. its called playing man to man defense and cutting off the passing lanes. i think if we work on our defense a little more we can win a game like the one tonight. and once again you were totally out of line for complaining during the match and leaving early. you really made sop and yourself look bad.

rush gg and everytihng u did was legit in my book
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Post by Puck »

umm surge i was playing offense and we only started time killing for like the last 5 minutes....we were playing our regular game...the one we would play if we were losing for the first 25 mins and it wasnt until someone said we should slow it down that we did just that...

however in a league game against the same team the last game we played against sop, they killed the clock blatantly for the last 20 mins so its like the kettle calling the pot black

my point is the game is fine i intercept peeps whether or not they trying to kill time or not and maybe that 5 minutes felt like an eternity for you but time killing does lead to turnovers and scores mainly cause no one expects the ball to be intercepted and defense is to busy passing to pay complete attention to offenders
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Surge, you are an incoherent fool.
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Post by Larc »

puck, that is false too... i had a teamsay to my team that we should D up becuase you were wasting time... i KNOW it was with at least 15 minutes left. but i didn't end up sending it becuase there was still enough time in the game left. it was our fault for not adapting quickly.

i also told a member of rush that i didn't like his comments in the server, i also told surge that i didn't like his comments. i believe that no talking expecially complaining or any taunting of sorts should be done in game. (the rush thing was minor but i told him my thoughts anyway) surge, you really need to try to discuss things at the right time in the right way.

my thoughts on the subject in general (cuz actually i thought about this tactic in the last week a bit). killing time isn't bad... unless the keeper becomes involved. the problem is that the keeper cannot be man covered and can be far from the action... a team could be killing time and then be covered up, they could throw back to the goalie who could walk out of the pzone and sit there forcing someone to cover him, then the keeper could hit the wide open man because someone had to come back to cover him.

i dont think a shot clock is the right answer, but this is a sleazy tactic that could be taken advantage of.

possible fixes:
-league rule, enforced by reviewing of demos
-a shot clock
-a backfield clock... the ball cannot stay on the defensive zone for a total of XX seconds (includes going back, or an over and back rule like in basketball)

also note that in these cases the ball if possible imo go to the defensive team... given to the goalie or something... but center might be fine too.
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Post by Psyche »

I only have one question on this matter for you Larc? If you were winning or won the game, would this even be an issue for you? Not the chattering in game, but the using time up.
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Post by beefsack »

argh too many novels. can someone give a summary?
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Post by Surge »

beef: were genrally saying the time killing is retarded and should be eliminated.

Psyche: it probably would have become and issue. But on the same aspect if you had complained we could have came back with the same remark you just did.
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Post by Larc »

psyche, YES

you told us in game we were killing the clock , and imho we did a bit, it was more of a "no hurry" vs passing backwards and not moving. i didn't like that much... but then started thinking about this issue... that's actually where i formed my ideas from.

my thoughts on the subject have nothing to do with todays game.
my thoughts on todays game is that, similarly to so many situations irl one thing happens, the other side takes it a step father, these can easily spiral larger and cause problems. which is why imo there really should be some sort of rules either in the game or written down... if you feel differently, tell me how anyone could defend against it if they used their keeper as part of the "keep away" game?
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Post by Fooman »

Surge u r starting to get pathetic. I know for a fact that in RusH Blue's match against SoP YL SoP tried to waste the last 5 minutes of the match. Did you hear us bitchin? No you didn't. So shut the f*** up. There's nothing wrong with wasting time.