still searching.....

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Joined: 10-03-2003 10:22

still searching.....

Post by =/FUC/=Timfried »

The Fighting Unreal Cows are still searching for some members.....we're only 6 active Players at the moment, so that if 2 guys don't have time we aren't able to play.....difficult to manage this...
So, we need a Keeper and if possible some guy for our offence....

If you want to join a clan, and if you believe in the Muhtrix, join chan #muhtrix in Quakenet or message me per icq #137773619, There i'll tell you more about us ;)

C muh and may the Muhtrix be with you :P
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Posts: 3
Joined: 19-04-2003 09:52

there is strength in numbers!!

Post by dundi »

Your team to be united with my (Real Murcia). We have to
2 strong equipment.

The your serious captain of Real Murcia B, and play in the titular
equipment. Even thus, if not like, we can share players, whenever we are of two different leagues.

:D :D :D
Junior Member
Posts: 17
Joined: 10-03-2003 10:22

Post by =/FUC/=Timfried »

hm.....don't think that i'm interested in a clan-fusion or in sharing players...sharing players would be difficult to organize...