How would you describe your personality?
Analythical, curious, investigating, (re)searching, stubborn, urgent, thourough, careful, patient, concentrated, single-minded...
What interests have you got (beside notpr0n of course)?
I have many interests, but being single-minded I like to do one thing at the time!

I like my work (as a university teacher in media technology), but I hate when I have to many different assignments simultaneously...
I wish life was like notpr0n! One assignment ("level") at the time, and when it's ready... another one!
If I have the opportunity I can easily become obsessed... like now with notpr0n... But also when I fall in love with other things or persons...
I have some creative interests: writing (diary, letters/emails, short stories), photographing, playing guitarr, making small "multimedia-productions" (in Macromedia Director) for my children etc.
I do yoga, swim, run and go to a gym now and then (but there's also periods when I don't do any exercise at all...
I'm not a party person -- I like more to be with a few friends that I like and know well, than with a lot of strangers...
What do you like to do on vacation and leisure time?
As a teacher in Sweden you have a long summer vacation (2½ month), and then I change personality completely!!! My friends say there's a "winter-ulf" and a "summer-ulf" -- I'm like Dr Jekyll and Mister Hyde!
The long cold and DARK winter in Sweden makes me wanna stay indoors, reading books, creating things, watching movies, being with my friends and so on. I tend to be more "in my head", more intellectual in the winter...
In the summer in Sweden, the sun is present almost 24 hours a day! Then I wanna be outdoors and I suddenly realize I have a BODY too -- not just a head!
I love travelling! But like jooly I don't want package or hotel based holidays.
Do you like to watch sports?
NOOOO! Waste of time in my opinion...
Do you like Video or Computer games? What kind of games?
Yes, it's actually a part of my work, and computer games is actually my field of research at the university. When I play for fun I prefer "adventure games", like Myst, Grim Fandango, Syberia, Kings Quest, Monkey Island etc.
I think there are some similarities between notpr0n and these adventure games -- they both require riddle and puzzle solving to proceed in the game...
Do you like to read? What kind of books?
Like David I love comic books! (Donald Duck by Carl Barks is a real nostalghia trip for me!)
A novel I liked was The DaVinci Code (like unrealtiger;) ) -- not surprising since it deals a lot with codes and riddles -- like notpr0n!!! Like many others here I also like Science Fiction, Tolkien and Douglas Adams.
And more "heavy" stuff: Kurt Vonnegut, Herman Hesse, Sartre, , and a lot of swedish writers like Strindberg, Hjalmar Söderberg, Sven Delblanc and others that are probably only known by swedish people...
In the lazy summer time I like to read easy detective stories, lying at the beach (in Greece preferably!)
I also read a lot of non-fiction books: about history, computer games, philosophy, science etc.
What kind of movies do you like? What kind of music?
I have a confession: Sometimes I use music and movies just as a way of changing my state of mind or mood!
At these occations I want to listen to music and see movies that makes me feel good and strong and happy. Or make me feel sad and make me cry, if that's what I want... Then I like movies like Forrest Gump, Notting Hill, As God As It Gets, Italian for beginners etc. and I like the early music of Bruce Springsteen (from the 80's), music from the 60' and early 70's when I was really young (nostalghia!) etc.
When I was young(er) I would never have admitted the above! Then music for me was a part of one's personality, so you had to be very careful with what you declared as your favorites!